Sunday, November 20, 2022

On Monday, Beth and I went to the high school play, "You Can't Take it With You." Our neighbor, Claire, was in charge of the set and lights. She did great! Beth and I ate Twizzlers and had a lot of fun.

On Tuesday, Beth and Ben had karate. I attended Circles in the evening.

On Wednesday, Beth went early to do baptisms with the older YM/YW. She got to do family names and had a good experience. Kevin went early to the temple as well! I got to babysit for Avery in the afternoon. In the evening, Ben helped rake leaves with the younger YM.

On Thursday, Beth and Ben had karate again. I got to go to bookclub and my friend, Gwen, who moved away in the spring surprised us with a visit. So fun!

On Friday, Kevin and I went to the Hale Centre Theatre to see The Little Mermaid. I was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did, but let me tell you, it was amazing! Beth and Ben went to Max's house with neighbor friends and they had a great evening. I'm told they imagined that they were in concentration camps during WWII, then flew to America and had to restart school. Imagination is not dead!

On Saturday, Kevin played tennis in the morning. Beth got caught up on her math homework. Ben went to Boston's house. I worked on a paper for my class and finished a good book. We got to see Cali and Chey for a little while, too! So fun!

I worked all week and am still enjoying it. Savannah worked all week. Funfinity is open for holiday hours and is keeping her very busy. Kevin worked all week, as well! He is very busy with a new multi-million dollar project for work and saving the world.

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