Sunday, June 12, 2022


This week was Art City Days! And this year, I had a booth at the craft fair!

I showed off my books and even sold a few! Savannah joined me and sold some jewelry. She also advertised her t-shirt quilts to see if she could get some commissions. The fair opened Wednesday evening and ran through Saturday evening. So, I spent a lot of days in the heart of the festivities this week! It was really fun even though I didn't sell a lot. I saw a lot of friends and got to visit with them. I also met new friends! Also, the weather was warm, but beautiful and it was kind of fun to spend the days outside. I learned a lot, too, and am glad I did it.

Savannah had an exciting/emotional week. On Wednesday, just before the fair started, she accidently went out the door with her bird, Sunflower, on her shoulder. You can guess what Sunflower did when she saw all that blue sky. She disappeared within seconds. Poor Savannah was devastated. We thought she was gone for good. Savannah posted on a couple of lost pet sites, but what were the chances that would work? We all prayed and hugged Savannah a lot.

The next day, after work, and a very sad day, Savannah checked the websites and beyond all expectations, someone had found her bird and had her at his mother-in-law's house! What?? Apparently, Sunflower landed on his shoulder as he was leaving work Thursday afternoon. He didn't freak out because his mother-in-law has several cockatiels. He put Sunflower in a box and took her to his MIL's house. Savannah and the bird were reunited that evening. Such rejoicing in the Skinner house! What a blessing for our dear girl.

For the rest of the week, she helped me at the booth when she wasn't at work in Funfinity. She hit it off with the gal from Peru in the booth next to us and she set up Savannah with a friend of hers for a date on Monday! That's pretty fun. I'd call that a great week!

Everybody came to visit me at my booth!

Springville Rec was in charge of trash pick-up at the fair and carnival. Mariah, Cali, Chey, and even Beth worked some shifts doing that. It was fun for me to see them! But, it made a crazy week for Mariah! Counting work at Provo Rec, umpiring for grumpy coaches in Springville, and trash pick-up, she was on the clock for 45 hours this week. When you factor in that she worked a full shift at the temple, too, and ran over 30 miles, you'll understand why it was a hard week for that dear girl of ours!

Savannah and Cali had to work at Funfinity Saturday morning, but the rest of us went to the parade! Even Sarah and Avery!

That night we went to the fireworks. Poor Mariah didn't get off work in Provo until 10pm and Sarah needed to get Avery in bed, but Megan and Ammon were able to join us for that. We figured out that with COVID two years ago and being in Colorado last year, Megan hasn't seen fireworks since before her mission! Mandy was even with us because she's going to be working at BYU music camp next week. Fun times! We love Art City Days!

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