Monday, February 7, 2022

Ben's youth group on Wednesday went to an indoor archery range. Ben mostly played foosball, but he had a good time! He went on a run with Mariah this week even though he wanted to cancel because it was snowing. He still went and they ran two miles. On Friday night, Max invited the neighborhood kids over to decorate cupcakes for a Groundhog day party. Bethany went too! On Saturday, Beth, Ben, Max, and Eden did some hiking so Eden could show them her fort. Fun times!

Bethany's youth group played games at the church. She acquired a penny which she named Liam because it was the most popular name in the year of the penny. She only had play practice once this week so she joined Mariah and Cali for a run on Monday. She and Ben also had karate this week.

Cali and Chey made cookies and watched Castle on Friday with Megan and Mariah. Ammon came and took Megan away, but Chey, Cali, and Mariah watched Castle well into the night! On Saturday night, the twins went to the high school to watch the "Mr. Springville Pageant" and then brought their friends to our house. They had a great time!

Mariah has been meeting with friends and keeping contact with people from her mission, as well. She also attended a friend's MTC group this week to help out as an investigator. She is looking into a humanitarian trip to Vietnam this summer with a couple of her MTC companions. It looks like she'll be going in July! Meanwhile, she continues to officiate for city rec each evening.

Savannah worked at Funfinity and completed her training to be a substitute teacher. She might be able to start this week. She finished a very exciting Star Wars game this week and got good cuddles from her bird.

Kevin and I went to SLC on Friday to see another play. This time we saw "Treasure Island," which was fantastic! The stage was surrounded by water which they used to roll "dead bodies" into and where our fearless hero, Jim, swung on a rope, let go, and landed in the water at the end of Act 1. "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!" We had a fun time!

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