Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sarah's baby was born this week!! Avery Kim Hatch was born at 4:30am on Friday, January 14. 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long. I am a grandma. I am overpowered with feelings of love and gratitude and joy at the goodness of life! Just look at this miracle:

AND my daughter, Sarah, is a mom! She already looks so natural. She is going to rock this "mama thing." I'm so proud of her for wanting to take this all on!

Sarah's water broke on Thursday around 1:30pm. She and McKay went into the hospital around 7pm. They worked hard and got Avery out into the world at 4:30am! They called us around noon on Friday. The kids didn't have school on Friday because it was the end of the term so we were all at home and ready for the announcement! No visitors were allowed in the hospital (due to COVID) and they stayed another night. But on Saturday, we all went to their house and held that sweet baby!

So, let's see...what else did we do this week?

On Friday night, Kevin and I went to the Hale Theatre and saw One for the Pot which was really funny! We had some good laughs! I'm glad we're scheduled to go see all their plays again this year.

Ben was sick at the beginning of the week but was back to school after only missing a day. He doesn't like missing school. He's got responsibilities, you know. He made it back to karate on Thursday and had a great time playing WII sports with his friend, Ryen, on Friday. On Saturday, he and Kevin took the drone flying for a bit.

Bethany continued rehearsals for the play, learning more songs and dances everyday after school! She also made it to karate on Thursday. On Friday, she took her scooter down to her friend's house and rode it home again, too!

Calianne worked at Funfinity and clocking basketball games, sometimes both in the same day. She found time to be with her friends too, though, and they have MORP all planned for next week!

Cheyenne worked refereeing basketball games and one day at the care center. The end of the term marks the end of her "internship" at the Payson hospital. She learned about all the different kinds of jobs that are found in the hospital and really enjoyed it. I don't know if she and her friend, Logan, will miss driving to Payson in the early mornings though!

Savannah worked at Funfinity this week. She made us fish balls and sweet rice for dinner Monday. That was yummy! She is working on becoming a substitute in the school district so she can work on her days off from Funfinity.

We're all just really counting the minutes until we can hold baby Avery again...

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