Mariah is still home!! It's been so fun to have her around again. Imagine this--we get to see her everyday!! She told me, "Mom, you look so good in that sweater!" and I said, "Mariah, you look so good in my kitchen!" She has kept busy visiting friends this week. She has a goal to get her mileage back up in running but with all the friends she visited this week, she had a hard time finding time even for that! She did, though. It is a tough transition, but she is doing well!
Savannah is helping Mariah get the room organized. She also worked at Funfinity this week and continued to work on her substitute training. She's watching a high school chemistry class on DVD for fun! She's actually really enjoying it!
Sarah brought Avery over on Thursday night and I got to hold her. I love holding that tiny baby.
Megan had Mariah over to make Rolo cookies this week. They were yummy!
Cheyenne, Calianne, and Mariah worked city rec games every night of the week! Well, just Monday through Thursday but that's close enough.
One of those days Cheyenne was working at the care center instead. She also is still practicing with the indoor track team. This week they had a workout where they did lunges around the entire 400 of the track! She was pretty sore. She and Mariah and a friend went to the school play Friday night and had a fun time!
Calianne worked at Funfinity twice this week in addition to city rec. She went to the school play Thursday night with Richmond and had a gazillion people over on Saturday night for games and a movie.
Bethany is still enjoying rehearsing for her upcoming school play. She also had karate this week and on Friday rode electric scooters with friends again!
Benjamin had karate this week. He's also been trying to run everyday and read everyday. His friend, Kyler, came over on Saturday and brought his Occulus VR. Guess what Ben now wants for his birthday??
On Saturday, Mariah, Cheyenne, Calianne, Beth, Ben, Kevin, and I went to a BYU women's basketball game! They scored almost 100 points in the game! The game was super, but the band? TOP NOTCH!!! Mandy plays trombone in the band and it was super fun to see her doing her thing! We really had a fun time!
Look! It's us with Cosmo's back! |
Go Mandy and the ROC band!! |