Sunday, November 21, 2021

We had a baby shower for Sarah yesterday! We had 25 ladies come, including Sarah's sisters and sister-in-laws, some of McKay's aunts, two cousins, and special childhood friends young and old! We decorated and had cake and played games and laughed and opened presents. What could be better? Best of all was all the love!

Friday was our second-busiest day of the week. Cali and Chey went up to SLC for the championship football game. Our school lost. By a lot. But, they still had a fun adventure with all their friends! 

This is them on the train up to SLC!

Kevin and I had tickets for our last play on our season-holder passes at the Hale theatre in SLC. We've seen Les Miserables, Daddy Long-legs, Guys and Dolls, Remember Patsy Cline, The Secret Garden, Mousetrap, and this last one was Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang. It's been so much fun that we're going to have season passes next year, too!

Chey came with us to SLC so she could visit Jens. Cali brought all the "fellas" home from the football game and they stayed until almost 11! Nik and Emily stayed the night and I think it was pretty noisy! But we were happy to have Emily come to the babyshower. Sister, Becca, came on Saturday and they were the two cousins at the shower! So fun!

On Friday night, Benjamin got to go to a birthday party of pizza and ice cream and laser tag at the library! How fun would that be? Dashing between book racks?? In addition to karate and guitar, he had activity days this week and they raked leaves at the church. His new favorite computer game is "Rise of Nations," and his new favorite YouTube topic are condensed histories of nations. He's learning a lot! I'm learning a lot just walking through the room!

Bethany still felt tired and achy this week but she trudged onward and made it to school everyday. We learned indexing on family search for our activity in YW this week and I think it exacerbated her headache instead of being fun. Poor kid! She has been having fun hanging out with her sisters and cousins this weekend. Maybe her energy will resurface in time for Thanksgiving next week!

I published books seven and eight this week! I'm hoping to have all ten published by the end of November and I am on track! I went to a really great bookclub meeting this week. Our book was about a group of friends being there for each other and we got to talking about how our church membership brings us together even though we are all so different and then we grow to mean so much to each other. I left feeling so grateful for that group of women and the experiences we've had and the crazy work the church asks of us--because of this connection to others that has resulted. It's truly a blessing on which I marvel. It's a huge part of what has made me feel that my life is so very good.

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