Sunday, October 24, 2021

 We went back to school and our regular lives this week. We had a lot of rain, but also, the leaves in the valley have all changed and so orange lines the streets and sometimes creates a carpet, too. It's very pretty and I love sweatshirt weather.

Savannah worked most of the days this week. She was upbeat and fun. She told us a story of a beetle climbing out of the vent in her car and making its way "deliberately" toward her while she was driving on the freeway! She had to tell herself to focus on driving so she wouldn't crash.

Megan invited Kevin and I to come watch her play in a racquetball tournament at the Provo Rec Center. She is playing on BYU's racquetball team for the second year in a row and might get to play in some competition this year since Covid is more under control. It was so fun watching her do something she obviously is enjoying so much! Ammon coaches her from the sidelines. They're having a great time with it.

Chey is still enjoying MTEC and her CNA training very much! She learned about log rolls and helping people "ambulate" this week. In her hospital internship, she learned about jobs in labor and delivery. She came home and asked me lots of questions about labor. It was fun to tell her my stories! She came with us Friday night to SLC to see Jens, but also got to play frisbee and make pizza with her group of flamingo friends from here in Springville. Otherwise, she is busy with college applications.

Cali is also busy with college applications. That BYU application is a bear with all its essays! She worked at Funfinity on Tuesday and we had a learn-to-paint-night at young women's on Wednesday. She had fun Friday night watching a scary movie with Richmond at our house. She spent almost all day hanging out with the flamingos on Friday (no school because of end-of-term)! On Saturday night, Cali, Chey, and Bethany all helped at a wedding reception. They looked pretty darn cute!

 Bethany had "no sugar" week at school sponsored by her health teacher, Mr. Hammon. But, Mr. Hammon is also her cross country coach and they had their end-of-season party this week with doughnuts! Oops! So he let the team eat the doughnuts. Good thing because it was a hard week for Beth! She likes sugar a whole lot. Beth played with friends on Friday and watched a scary movie with another friend. 

On Saturday morning, Beth and Ben had a practice belt test for karate. Those things are intense. First they run three miles, then they do 100 combined push-ups and sit-ups and THEN they do strikes and blocks and kicks over and over. Then forms and weapons and they finish with fighting matches. Four hours later, they were WIPED out. I love that they are getting such good exercise and strength training! I took them to McDonald's afterward as reward.

Ben had running club twice this week and received the "Runner of the Week" award. He said it was for working hard and helping others. He also had karate, of course, and guitar lesson. He's very pleased with his straight As for first term at middle school. I am, too, but when he started talking about trying to get all A+s, my mom-alerts starting going off about perfectionism! I think his teachers and I talked him down from that goal. I sure hope so! He does so want to do good. He's a great kid.

Kevin and I went to our sixth play of the year at the Hale theatre in SLC. This time we saw Agatha Christie's "Mousetrap." Super fun and always good to do stuff with Kevin B! Other than that, I went on some walks this week but always later in the day because the mornings have been cold and wet. I also am working on getting my second book out and reevaluating my "social media presence." Fun stuff.


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