Sunday, September 26, 2021

The kids didn't have school on Monday for a teacher development day. So, we took the short hike to Battle Creek Falls. So beautiful! Then we tried a place called Purple Turtle for lunch and had Kevin meet us there since we were near his workplace. Great food and fun times! And great kids!

In tennis news, on Tuesday, Cali and Chey had a tennis match against Spanish Fork High School. They both won pretty quickly. On Wednesday after practice, they had a team night with dinner and fun hanging out talking. Thursday was their last home match! So, they honored the seniors with big bouquets of flowers. Chey and her partner won, but Cali and her partner did not. They both were playing super-fun-to-watch tennis! On Friday we found out that Cali's partner will change for the finals and state. Cali and her dad think that will be a good change and give her a better chance at winning. We will see! It's been an exciting week.

Bethany had a good week with school, karate, and cross country and also young women activities! She had two YW activities this week. Wednesday night they played wiffle ball with the boys. On Friday night they had a sleep over at the YW president's house where they played games, made s'mores, and learned how to bake bread. She ran really great at her meet on Friday, staying with her friend, Siena, for most of the race and finishing sixth on the team.

Benjamin has had a cold all week. Poor stuffed-up guy! He didn't want to stay home from school, though, because he didn't want to get behind! He still ran for running club on Tuesday and Thursday, too and went to karate on Thursday, as well. His friend, Kyler, came over on Saturday while his parents did stuff, and they had a great time sword-fighting, fort building, and catapult-making--my very favorite kind of play!!

Savannah struggled with her health this week, but still managed to work most of her shifts and get a lot of her honey into jars. She also went on a double date with Meg and Ammon (and her friend, Kirk) to see a Marvel movie on Tuesday. Fun times!

Saturday was Sarah's birthday!! She told me last week that she'd really like to go with the family to Payson Lake to celebrate. What a great idea! Everybody opened up their schedule so they could go. Even Grandma and Grandpa came. We really missed Mariah, but the spot made us feel closer to her probably because of all the memories. We walked around the lake (which was very low, but still there!) We had a picnic dinner and played some games. We also took lots of pictures. It was a beautiful, beautiful day! Sarah had wanted to see the yellow Aspens reflecting in the lake and she got her wish!

I went to the kNOw Poverty Summit on Thursday for morning speakers. I love what I am learning about poverty and ways to help. I also received a proof copy of my book from Amazon and made some changes, I'm hoping for it to go "live" next week! On Saturday, before our Payson Lake adventure, I got together with some old friends from Brookside (Emily, Gwen, and Jen) for lunch. It was so good to reconnect!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

On Monday, Ben had a guitar lesson. He is writing a new song with McKay called, "Kindness is the Way to Go." It's turning out really catchy. I find myself singing it after his lesson is over. The twins had tennis practice in the evening. I also took Beth and Ben to the dentist on Monday. I still got Beth to cross country!

On Tuesday, the twins had a tennis match in Provo. They both had long matches, Cali and Elizabella splitting sets and Chey and Maizie losing the second set in a tie-breaker. I love watching them play! Megan and Ammon came to watch, too, so that was fun. Savannah took Beth and Ben to karate and picked Beth up from cross country for me! That night I had Circles.

On Wednesday, the twins had tennis practice from 5 to 6:30 (as per usual) and at 7:00 we had Young Women's. The older girls had a panel of experts to answer their questions about choosing and applying to colleges. The younger girls made and delivered pumpkin cookies. Beth now knows how to make a yummy icing for the top! I hope she makes us some soon. After their panel, the older girls took some of the cookies to meet a new family in our ward with two young women. They seem really friendly and fun. I'm glad we got to meet them.

On Thursday, the solar company started installing our solar panels. I had to let them in a few times to access the attic, but otherwise, it required very little of me! That afternoon, the twins had a tennis match at Maple Mountain. This time Sarah came and Grandma Gazdik. Cali got her first win since St. George! Chey didn't win and was pretty frustrated, but I thought she still did good things. Beth and Ben had karate that night at 7:00.

I think this is one of Savannah's bees up on the mountain, enjoying the sunflowers with me.

On Friday, the solar company was back and they finished! Now we wait for inspections. Savannah spent the day at FanX and got Dr. Who's autograph. Chey and I met Dad at Beth's cross country meet at 3:00. She did great! She's finishing about 8th for her team and looks really strong. Kevin and I went out to eat at Sizzler and then watched three episodes of Manifest while Beth and Ben played night games at Max's house. Nephew Dylan and Nephew-in-law Nik came this night as well. Dylan hung out with Cali and Chey and their 400 friends who watched a movie. Nik did homework in the kitchen with Savannah.

On Saturday, Dylan and Nik went to FanX (the reason for their trip). Savannah went back up, too. I went to a Circles brunch for allies and learned more about helping people through poverty. Cali and Chey went to a breakfast with friends. Ben played the day away at his friend Boston's house. That afternoon, Sarah invited me and all her available sisters to go shopping for some maternity clothes! Sarah found some clothes and she, Beth, Cali, Chey, Megan, and I had a great time. Kevin installed a fanlight over our kitchen table during the day and watched the BYU game that night. Go Cougars!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Monday was Labor Day and that meant no school! We took the chance to have Megan, Ammon, and Sarah join us up the canyon. We had a picnic dinner and played outdoor games like bocce ball, spike ball, corn hole, and flag football. Grandma even came for a little bit! We had a great time being together.

Savannah made dinner for us one night and made Calianne some jewelry for the homecoming dance that turned out just lovely! She also finished her Playmobile display at Funfinity. Isn't it great?

Cheyenne played first varsity doubles with her new partner in two matches this week. They won both times and even beat a team that was undefeated in their region! It was some great tennis and a lot of fun to watch. Chey went to homecoming this weekend. She had her "pre-date" on Friday night and went to the dance on Saturday. She looked lovely and had a great time!

Calianne played at third singles on Tuesday and at second doubles on Thursday. She lost in both matches but she sure fought hard and did lots of good things! She is ready to start winning again! She continued to study for the ACT all week and took the test again on Saturday morning. I'm so impressed with all her hard work! Another fun thing is that she got selected for homecoming royalty! So, she was announced during halftime of the football game and got escorted across the field by her dad. She also got a crown. Fun times! 

Cali also went to the homecoming dance! She had a predate in the afternoon (hiking Steward Falls) and went to the dance in the evening. She looked lovely and had a great time!

Bethany ran in her first cross country meet on Friday! She did great and it's so fun to support her in her own sport. She also had karate this week and continues to enjoy that. On Thursday she surprised me by vacuuming and cleaning my bathroom just to do some service. I loved it!

Benjamin also had karate this week and continues to enjoy it. He is able to connect with his friends online more and they play games together in Roblox and Minecraft. It's really fun for him! On Saturday, he and Beth and Cheyenne and I went to the 9/11 day of service opportunity put on by our stake. We cut grocery bags and wove them into sleeping mats, colored games for kids, and cut out laminated games for refugee camps. I was impressed with how willing and desirous my kids were to help. What a great way to spend a morning!

Kevin had a training that he needed to teach all weekend so he couldn't be there. He would've been in Atlanta if they weren't still doing things over Zoom! So, we were all glad to have him here in the evenings instead.

Kevin brought me a box of peaches from a neighbor this week. I was less than thrilled to see it since I knew it meant giving up a full day of my week. Still, I did the work and it is nice to see all those glowing jars. It will be nice to have all that fruit available, too!