School started again this week! Yay! We continue to be grateful to be in an area that lets us have in-person school while still being careful about COVID. Last year all the schools had shortened the school day by about an hour. This year, everyone is back to a full day. No one had to wear masks. (That might change but hasn't yet.)
Cheyenne is a senior this year and is taking a CNA course at the technical college. That takes up two periods. She is really excited about it. She also has an internship at the hospital, financial literacy, CE English, CE math, Chinese, and seminary.
Calianne is a senior this year and is taking Chinese, AP English, CE Math, drawing, seminary, astronomy, financial literacy, and ProStart. ProStart is the upper level foods class. They have to get their food-handlers permit for the class and will do some catering. Fun times!
Bethany started 8th grade. It is her second year at the junior high even though they just changed the load of the junior high to only 8-9th grades, so it is a little different. She is taking Chinese, English, health, band, math, science, and U.S. history. She claimed to not want to go back to school, but I think seeing her friends is making it a bit easier.
Benjamin started 6th grade. All my other kids did 6th grade in elementary school but starting this year, Springville has a middle school that houses the 6th and 7th graders. We are all pretty excited about it. Ben will get a bit more of a challenge in every area and he is ready for it! Plus, he gets to take a bus. He is my first to do that! Ben is taking science, two classes of Chinese, STEM, English, math, and language arts.
In Ben's STEM class, the teacher taught the engineering process. Ben was super excited because he and I had taken that online class from Mark Rober this summer. But, guess what? This teacher had a different process. Ben was mad! He had all the right answers and his teacher obviously didn't know what he was talking about. Ha ha! I guess he will learn that there is more than one right way to do things.
So, Savannah and I were feeling left out. Or, at least, I was feeling left out and decided to involve Savannah in plans! So, we went to Education Week at BYU--just the morning classes. It was such fun. We are now inspired, energized, and "in a Celestial state!" (This is what one of our teachers encouraged us to say each morning). I'm so glad we did it.
Speaking of BYU, we had more college excitement when Amy and Paul brought Mandy up to move into her dorm for her freshman year! They came Friday night and we had a good dinner and talking. On Saturday they did some shopping for Mandy, and then, since they couldn't check-in until six, we took them to Bridal Veil falls (beautiful!) and then out to eat at Brick Oven (BYU tradition!) before helping her tote in her supplies for making herself a new home. We are excited for her and it was super fun to see Amy and Paul and have a family visit!
You may have noticed that Megan is in these pictures! She survived her two-weeks of outdoor adventuring and came home to us! She had a great time and wants to bring us all next summer! They did get rained on for the last three days and had to combine two days of hiking into one when their sleeping bags were wet and they needed to get off the mountain or risk hypothermia, but otherwise . . . it was fantastic! We are glad to have her safe back home and are so glad she had a good time.
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