Sunday, February 28, 2021

Cali and Cheyenne had their last two games of basketball this week. It was the city rec tournament! They won Monday night by just five points in an exciting game which put them in the championship game Wednesday night! They played a great game, but in the end they lost. It was very hard on Cali and Chey. The league is made up of girls from their high school and they're friends with a lot of them. It's hard to have your friends work against you even when it's within the rules. Still, second place is none too shabby, especially when you only have a seven-player team, and two of them are beginners! Kevin had a great time coaching them.

Last weekend, Maple Mountain High School performed Anastasia. Megan wanted to go and bring all her sisters! Unfortunately, the only night that worked was Monday night and then the twins found out that would be the first game of their tournament. They were bummed! But it did work out for Savannah, Sarah, Megan, and Bethany to go. They had a great time!

This weekend, Benjamin had a chance to go to the movies with his friends! His friend's little sister was having a birthday party, and they had extra tickets to their private showing of The Croods 2. So, they invited the "Browskis!" They had a great time and when they got home they met up on Google Meets for online games.

Bethany had a party of her own on Friday night. She invited girls over from school and they played Werewolf and other games. It was fun to hear their excited chatter. On Saturday, she invited Lily, a childhood friend she hadn't seen for awhile and they had a fun time reminiscing about old times! Earlier in the day, though, she decided to work on her curling iron skills and was joined by Cali! Aren't they lovely?

Savannah is caught up in the excitement of getting herself a bird! She wants a cockatiel and the closest breeder she found was in Montana! This has made her wonder if maybe she'd like to be a cockatiel breeder? Could be fun! She's also thinking of becoming a beekeeper, too. It is fun to see her so excited!

I finished book seven in my series this week. I also got started on taxes Saturday. Fun times! I'm going to start volunteering with a program called Circles that helps people get out of poverty and I attended a couple of trainings this week. I'm learning a lot!

Kevin was the keynote speaker for that conference in the Middle East! They said they were pleased with his address, and he hopes that they are. It's hard to tell when you can't see your audience! That was a lot of pressure off of him when he was done, though. He ran an intensive for women the last three days of this week and that's always emotionally draining. Not to mention the coaching he did for the twins, too! He was glad to have Saturday off to play some tennis and unwind a bit.

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