Sunday, January 10, 2021

The kids went back to school this week! High school for the twins went back to everyday with full attendance. They were excited to be with their friends again but when they came home they said, "We forgot that our friends don't even talk to us so we don't know why we wanted it back to the old way so much." They also had tests in four of their classes including Math, Physics, and English so their stress level was pretty high! They did return to their old activities and jobs so they were very busy, too! They had tennis Monday thru Wednesday and basketball practice and a game on Friday and Saturday. Cheyenne started officiating at city rec basketball games Monday thru Thursday and Calianne worked at Funfinity Thursday and Friday. They would have gotten some social time with their friends Friday and Saturday except . . .

Friday night Ben got super sick! We had planned a play date with his friend, Kyler, and Ben was really looking forward to it. So, when he started to feel sick during school, he didn't say anything. By the time he couldn't hide it anymore (that evening) he had a temperature of 103! Poor Ben! We were so worried about him. We called Kyler's mom pronto and sent him home. Ben went to bed and Cali and Chey cancelled their plans for the evening.

Saturday, I took Ben to Nephi (the closest rapid-testing site) and had him tested for COVID. Savannah came too. She had been tested earlier in the week and was negative but she was still sick, so she decided to test again. We got the results on the way home: Savannah was still negative but Ben was positive.

I think Ben got it from his friend, Max, who he played with for a few hours last week, a day before his sister tested positive. Beth played with them, too, and she looks sick to me, too. Although she doesn't have a fever. Since we all have to quarantine, it would be nice to all test positive so we won't have more quarantines in our future! We will see.

Savannah has been sick all week. I think she only felt well enough to work once--and now she's quarantined so she won't work for at least another week! Poor kid. She's actually just tired of feeling miserable! Hopefully she will feel better today and have a break before she gets COVID. Blah!

Kevin had two intensives scheduled this coming week with people flying in from other states in order to meet with him personally. They all had to be rescheduled. He was also supposed to be on TV Monday morning! It was a crazy week for him to be quarantined.

I mostly stay home all the time anyway, so my life will be affected in that my "office hours" will now be full of my cute family instead of quiet, (sometimes!) productive time. Hopefully, I can still work on my book, but if not, I will get to it later. My projects may need to go on the backburner while we get through this.

No pictures this week! Just us plugging through and doing the same old things. Maybe next week I will have pictures of us sitting around in our pajamas! Ha! Won't that be fun?

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