Sunday, April 19, 2020

It was the last week of classes for the BYU students in our house. Stress was really high. Megan worked at the kitchen table all week until late into the night. Savannah tried to stay up Friday until her work was all done but got completely incapacitated with a migraine (it makes sense that it was stress-induced) and needed help just to get down the hallway to bed. Gah. One more week (finals week) and they can put it all behind them.  Ammon is the only one who seems about the same as always with his workload and stress-level. We like him anyway.

My high school students got word that school will definitely not resume this school year. We guessed it would be that way and they took it well. Now they are counting weeks. Just five more weeks! They are gritting their teeth and soldiering through. Their homework takes into the afternoon now but rarely into the evenings anymore, so that is nice. On Friday they made homemade pizza again! They are pretty pro!

My elementary school kids are doing alright. Bethany took a night to cry about not having a sixth-grade graduation and never being able to see her friends who will go to different schools ever again. What do you do except hug her and say, "I know. I wish things were different." Ben has had varying levels of success getting his schoolwork done quickly. By Friday he started jumping up and down, "I don't want to do this again today! I'm so bored!" He eventually did it anyway, but I did completely understand.

Mariah is not in her final week of classes so she has been working on school assignments, but her stress level is not in the red zone like her sisters. She has been working everyday with Sarah filling orders in the warehouse for McKay's brother. It's fun for Mariah and Sarah to be together. She also still goes on runs and reported that this would have been the week of her last meet for the season. We reassured her that she would have crushed it.

We did have one piece of excitement this week. Savannah's work decided to provide lunch for all of their employees and anyone living in their household with box lunches from Jimmy Johns. We have a lot of people in our household, but Savannah ordered beforehand and we were just 8 of the 1000+ boxes they had ready that day! We brought everybody in the van and we followed the line of cars past several cheerful team leaders in masks directing the traffic. The food was great and it was so nice they wanted to lift spirits that way. Ours were lifted!

I also have a couple of pictures from last Sunday where some games were played and some magnets for the fridge were made. Good times! We had a yummy Easter dinner with Grandma Gazdik and that was good times, too!

I did taxes this week. I helped Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik with theirs and then I got ours done--federal and state. As usual, I will need to wait for my federal refund to pay for half of my state. It is expensive to live in Utah! At least at tax time. Next year I will lose three of my dependent credits, too. Ouch! I better start saving (more), now. At least it was something to do. I'm starting to feel like Ben and his boredom level. We will see what I figure out to do this week.

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