Sunday, February 9, 2020

On Monday, we had a snow day. No school! We ended up not having very much snow, but the twins have been so overwhelmed with homework and piano lessons and basketball that it was a relief for them to have some more time at home to catch up and get things done. Savannah and Megan still had to go to college classes, but since Sarah attends with Nebo, she got the day off, too and came over to hang out for a little bit!

Cheyenne and her dog checking out the "snow day."
On Tuesday, school was back in! The kids were sad but managed somehow. I had accounting to do all week since it's a new month so more of the same for me. Afterschool, Beth and Ben had karate. That evening, Cali and Chey had a basketball game in Payson and Kevin went to watch.

Wednesday was piano lessons for Chey and Cali. They were supposed to have their pieces memorized in preparation for Festival at the end of the month. The teacher told them that if they played now for Festival that they would "fall apart." I am here to witness, though, that they sure have been working hard and tried very hard to meet her deadline! Chey wakes up at 5 to practice and Cali at 6. Hmm. That alone would make me "fall apart." Ha ha!

Thursday should have been a snow day. The snow piled up and up and the roads were a mess! It took Megan an hour to get to BYU and it usually takes 20 minutes! Savannah decided to work from home. The afternoon was a bit better and we had karate, play practice for Beth, and another game for the twins. They played in Provo and Grandma, Grandpa, Sarah, Kevin, and I went to watch. Also, Ben finished his science fair board!

Isn't it great??
Friday there were no basketball games (because they had another on Saturday) but Kevin and I had to cut our date night short so we could pick them up from basketball practice. Ben and Beth had friends over late and they had a great time playing sardines, hide and seek, and cops and robbers. (Wow! What is this? The 1970s??)

Saturday Ben had guitar and then played with Nico all day. Bethany and I went shopping for some new clothes for her and then she went to a friend's house that night. Cali and Chey worked before heading to the high school for all the basketball games. Megan worked at the temple before coming home to spend an evening with Sarah at our house. Savannah spent most of the day on campus "getting things done" and then went to a friend's house for games until late in the night. Kevin went to the temple in the afternoon and then got his hair cut. That night most of us went to the twins' basketball game 

-- which they won by 10 points but Cheyenne thought they lost until today. Maybe watching four games before hers got all those points scrambled up in her brain? Maybe. She played great, though, and so did Cali. Afterwards, they had twelve kids over to our house for a very noisy game of "The carpet is lava" boys against girls and other good times.

I texted Mariah during CC's Saturday game and found out that she had just gotten back from rapelling. I told her I was happy to see she was taking advantage of all the cool things in St. George, and she said, "Mom, I love it here!" Which just makes a mom heart happy.

All these busy kids make me happy! They are great kids and I love being a part of their lives!

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