Sunday, November 17, 2019

Benjamin was a "Hansen Hero" this week which is the award that the principal gives out weekly to kids nominated by their teachers. His award says, "He always works hard, is helpful, and has a positive attitude." Go Ben! We think he's pretty cool, too. He had karate twice this week, scouts, and a guitar lesson. He went to Mia's birthday party on Friday night where he was the only boy in attendance which is basically his entire home life so I'm not sure he even noticed. Ha ha! He went to a guy friend's house on Saturday and they rode scooters and played four-way chess. Fun times! Here at home, he has started a crusade to get us to buy him a Nintendo switch. We will see how that goes!

Bethany also had karate twice this week. We have discontinued piano lessons with her usual piano teacher and have hired Calianne. They both seem excited about the new arrangement so we will see how that goes! Beth played more on her own this week. She still really likes Barbies and making slime and bath bombs and does those things with her friends when they come over, too.

Calianne had a first in our family on Saturday when she attended her first debate tournament! She competed in the area of oratorio. She prepared a ten-minute speech and then presented it memorized with no notes--three times! She was really unsure going in but ended up having a blast throughout the full-day event. What a great opportunity! I am really happy for her.

Speaking of being happy for our kids, Cheyenne and Calianne tried out for basketball this week. They both made the sophomore team and are super excited! Practices have started every evening from 5:30 to 7:30 and games start November 26. In other news, they had a party at our house last night with about a dozen kids, boys and girls. They watched a movie, hiked the mountain, and played Werewolf. Fun times!

Sarah has started working afterschool for McKay's brother, Shane, helping with inventory in his online business. She sometimes even goes back after dinner. She is one busy little duckling but I do manage to pin her down to help make wedding plans, too!

Savannah worked 18 hours this week and studied and took her big test in finance, too! Way to go, girl! On Saturday, she made poutine for the big YSA event where return missionaries were sharing food popular on their missions. After that, she and Ian went roller skating. She did not get seriously injured from any of her falls and had a really fun time.

Kevin and I are still ticking. Kevin is helping people at work and typing on his book whenever he gets a chance. I'm working on the wedding and other odds and ends, sometimes I even take walks and take pictures of ladybugs perched on the top of shoulder-high grasses. Can you see it?

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