Sunday, September 15, 2019

This weekend, my dad came to town! He came up on Friday and that night we had a ward party up the canyon. There was lots of good food and good friends. There were horseback rides on the bishop's horse and even a candy cannon! I realized as I watched Ben run with the boys and Beth talk with the girls and as the YW came and sat next to Cali and Chey and the rest of us, that I do really feel part of this ward now. It's a lovely feeling. So grateful for these opportunities for connection. It was really fun to have my dad there, too!

On Saturday morning, Mariah ran in her first college cross country race and it just so happened to be in Provo! That was the reason for my dad's visit (besides seeing me, of course)! The meet is a BYU Invitational and has races for all the Utah high schools as well as the Utah colleges. Mariah saw a ton of her cross country friends from high school and we got to meet some of her new friends from college. We even got to see Ammon who came dressed as a gorilla (with a stuffed banana to represent Megan) because Mariah asked him to! The best part was seeing Mariah run again. You go girl!

When we got home, we had some lunch and then watched some of the BYU football game. After halftime, we left the football watching to Dad and Grandpa, and us girls went to watch Sarah try on wedding dresses! Sarah's friend, Allyson, was up from SUU so she came and me and the twins and Mariah. We all thought she looked so beautiful and we made her put on veils and wear some 4inch heels. It was great fun. She found a dress she really liked, too, but we aren't ready to make final decisions yet!

I got to sit and talk with my dad Saturday night. He left Sunday morning and we all had a great visit. Come again, soon, Dad!

Mariah stayed after her cross country meet on Saturday and we get to have her until this evening! It's always fun to have her around again! It's been fun to see her so often even though she's in school four hours away! I guess that's like nothing!

Cali and Chey played in two tennis matches this week. Tuesdays match was VERY windy and made it hard to play. Thursday was nice, though. Chey is not winning but having a good time, anyway! Calianne is winning and doing well on really, really long rallies. She may have set a record on Thursday for the longest pro set (playing to 8) ever at one hour and 45 minutes. By darn, there was no way she was giving up no matter how long it took!

Beth and Ben had karate this week. Beth also had piano and Ben also had flag football. Ben is really enjoying a computer game from school called Prodigy. I am really enjoying the fact that maybe he is learning something while he plays a computer game. :)

Bethany sang a solo in our primary program this Sunday! It was an original piece written by a friend of the primary's 1st counselor for her sister who died. Beth had some great coaching from the MDT grad who is the primary chorister and she did beautifully! I don't think there was a dry eye in the place. I know I felt God's love for me while she sang and promised such beautiful things. I have a recording of her singing it a few weeks ago that I will post here, but just know, she did even better today! Go Beth! Go church primary programs and choristers! Go people who write songs that share their deepest feeling. Jesus lives and loves all of us. He really does.

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