Sunday, July 28, 2019

We had another full week at home! Yay! What a nice place home is. Especially in the summer. It's been hot, but we have air-conditioning so, it's hard to notice. I even got far enough in my to-do list that I thought, hmm, I should read a book. And I did! It wasn't even middle-grade which is more like homework for when I become a Newberry-Award-Winning author, don'chaknow.

I did convince Beth and Ben to go swimming at the Springville rec center a couple of times this week and they played with kids in the neighborhood and we had the Francoms over. Mostly, though, I feel like I surrendered more times than usual in the battle against too much screen time. Aargh. Hopefully playing Roblox (if it's with friends, is that better?) and watching Yu-Gi-Oh and Johnny Test isn't too detrimental to the growing mind because Benjamin did a lot this week.

Cali and Cheyenne did a lot of tennis this week! If they come out with a study about the detrimental effects of time on the tennis court, then I will probably be in trouble there, too. (Actually, there is all that data about sun exposure, so, yeah.  I do insist on them wearing visors, though, so that's something.) They have both surpassed the team goal of 100 hours of summer practice and are headed more to 120. That's cool! They played in a small singles tournament on Saturday. Chey got to play three matches and Cali got to play four. They had a ton of fun and I think their dad had fun watching them, too!

Mariah has been working on sorting things in her room and getting ready for her upcoming move to Dixie. She's still spending lots of time with friends, too, and that's been fun for her. For Pioneer Day, we even had a giant softball game against her friend Kolby's family. Kolby is their oldest with five boys and two girls. Their aunt and uncle's family came, too and we got the aunt and uncle. Don't tell my kids I said this, but that probably helped in our stunningly decisive victory. Kevin did teach his girls how to play good ball, though, too!

Sarah worked her last 5am to 8am shift doing custodial at BYU. Being up that early was really hard on her but I'm glad she had a job! She'll take the next couple of weeks off and then start school with the teachers at Brookside. This week, she did come to the softball game with us and played some board games with her sisters and dad. Kevin and I also came across an electronic Simon game and bought it for the family. Sarah is the reigning champion remembering a sequence to 27!

Savannah ordered a new computer for herself and eagerly awaited its arrival all week! When it finally arrived, though, she was disappointed in the size of the screen and needs to send it back. Poor kid! She'll have to start all over again. She went to a game night this week and went on a date and continues to log hours at work. Her car also stopped working and she rolled it all the way down our hill popping the clutch the whole way before she decided to call her mom, pull over, and that order!

Kevin continues to work hard and get his 11,000 steps a day. Tomorrow we will have been married for 25 years! Can you believe it? We will celebrate our silver anniversary. The present I got for him came in the mail this week. We had a lot of fun reminiscing while I surreptitiously double checked details with him! What a great life we've had. I am grateful for him.

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