Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Our family went all different directions this week! Savannah, Sarah, and Dad stayed home to work and Dad left on Thursday to do work in Arkansas. Mariah went to Idaho to work at a basketball camp. And Mom, Cheyenne, Calianne, Bethany, and Benjamin went to Las Vegas to visit family and for C&C to attend tennis camp.

Cali and Chey attended a Wilson tennis camp at UNLV. They say they were the oldest ones there but that they learned a lot. Cheyenne even won Camper of the Week and was awarded a new tennis racquet! They were there every day from 8:30 to 2:30. That worked out well since then they could still visit with family in the afternoons.

On Monday, Grandma and I took Beth and Ben to the splash pad in the morning and in the afternoon Amy and her family came over to visit. On Tuesday, Grandma, Amy, and I went to the temple while Beth and Ben played at Amy's house. Afterward, we went to Pete and Monica's house to swim! On Wednesday morning, Grandpa and I took Beth, Ben, and Emma on a hike in the desert in 100 degree heat. It was beautiful and exciting, but we are going to try again in the winter. Ha ha!

That afternoon, Amy and I (and our kids) met Kim at the Fashion Show Mall. It was great fun to see her again and to see some of the fun shops.

On Thursday, we spent all day at Pete and Monica's! We had great fun swimming in the pool, playing games, visiting, and eating prosciutto. It was a great summer-family-visiting kind of day!

Friday it was time to say goodbye! What a great trip! Grandma, Grandpa, Ben, and I took a selfie!

Meanwhile, Mariah was having a great time being a coach at her basketball camp in Idaho. She had been very nervous before she left. She didn't know anyone. She was younger than all the other coaches. She didn't know if she would know enough about basketball to be able to contribute. She ended up having the time of her life! She learned more about basketball, more about leadership, and more about herself. She loved the other assistant-coaches and made new life-time friends. She couldn't say enough about how great it had been. We are so happy for her and that she is finding ways to use her passion to build the world.

We both got back late Friday night. Savannah and Sarah were so happy to see us! We were all so happy to see each other!

Saturday morning we went to the Art City Days parade! Half our family had been experiencing 100 degree weather in Las Vegas and the weather for the parade was only 50 this year! I nearly froze. Ha ha! Still, it was great fun, as always, and Chey and Cali got to be banner holders as part of YCC!

McKay came, too!

That night we watched the fireworks. It was a crazy, travelling, full week, but we are glad to be back together again and glad for the good memories we got to create!

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