Sunday, December 16, 2018

It was another crazy week in the Skinner household!

Monday I watched Cali's basketball game at the junior high. She did fabulous and they won! I had to leave early to run Beth's basketball practice. Later that night, Kevin ran Ben's basketball practice.

Tuesday Beth and Ben had karate and then we watched Mariah's basketball game and then Cheyenne's basketball game. They both won and played great!

Wednesday, Ben had scouts, Beth had piano and a bantam basketball game with her dad. I ran her basketball practice without her. I saw Mariah though because she was the "in-charge" person at the gym. I helped her with some college application stuff before I left. By the time I got home, Cali and Chey were already gone to YW where they helped people wrap their Christmas gifts.

Thursday I watched Cali play basketball at the junior high while Kevin watched Chey play basketball at the high school. We came home for some dinner and then went to Cali, Chey, and Beth's piano recital! Afterwards, Kevin took Ben to his basketball practice and Cali, Chey, and I went back to the high school to watch Mariah play in her game.

Friday--more high school basketball games. Mariah played at 5:15 and they lost by 10. Cheyenne's team played at 7:00 and won by 20.

Saturday morning was the high school team's Breakfast with Santa fundraiser. Kevin, Chey, and Mariah were there at 6am to cook and get ready. I came with Beth, Ben, and Cali at 8am. We ate great food, canoodled with Grinch, pled with Santa, took funny pictures, and watched Mariah and Chey dance. It was really fun.

Saturday morning was also the day that Sarah took her Praxis exams. Those are the exams that teachers have to take to get their licenses. At UVU, Sarah has to have them passed before they can admit her to the education program. She's been studying every spare minute. We were so, so happy for her when she passed them all!

Mariah went to the Christmas dance with Kaden. They went indoor rock climbing in the afternoon and then played games and went to the dance in the evening. Mariah has been on dates with this boy and his group before and some of the dates have included swing dancing instruction. She says they did swing dancing almost the entire time and had a blast!

Our ward Christmas party was Saturday night. We were so impressed with how many more people we knew this year compared to last when we'd only been in the ward a month. We had dinner and watched the children do a nativity. It was lovely.

That night when Sarah got back from work, Savannah had us all watch Hulk. We had a great time!

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