Sunday, August 5, 2018

Benjamin started practices for flag football this week. He seems to like it and to be pretty good but I think he's on to me. He said, "Mom, next time it's time to sign up for a sport, you need to ask me if I want to do it first!" Hmmm. Ok. Maybe next year. We still need to learn basketball. Ha ha! He had the chance to play with more kids from our ward this week, for which I'm grateful. He also had pack meeting for Cub Scouts and he earned some awards from day camp and enjoyed the water fights afterward! He was sick all day with a fever yesterday but seems to be better today.

Bethany got to do "Girls Day Camp" all week in the mornings. Cali and Chey and their friend, Elizabella, planned activities from 9-11 every morning down in Brookside once again this year. They had craft day, carnival day, water day, princess/superhero day, and treasure hunt day. Cali and Chey wished they had more participants but Bethany had a great time and loved it! Beth also played with kids in our neighborhood this week and went to a birthday party down in Brookside on Saturday.

In addition to girls camp, Cali and Chey had tryouts for the high school tennis team this week. They were super scared and so worried that they wouldn't make it! But by the second day, they found out that they were in! Yay Cali and Chey! We are so happy for you! They both logged more than 100 hours of practicing this summer. That's the most impressive part. When they were home, they were pretty much exhausted. I got pictures of both of them trying to read books. They were both really asleep though! Ha ha!

Cali and Chey and Mariah had ward youth conference yesterday, as well. Because of busy kids' schedules, they decided to do just a one-day conference which I think was actually a pretty good idea. They went to the Payson temple to do baptisms first and brought family names. Then they headed to Castle Dale to see the pageant. On the way, they stopped at the bishop's cabin in Fairview for fun and games. About 14 kids went and Cheyenne said it was super fun. I haven't talked to Mariah and Cali since I haven't seen them yet this morning. They got home around 1am!

Mariah, in addition to basketball and cross country practices, ACT prep and helping the neighbors, hiked Timpanogos this week! Woot woot! She went with about six other kids from the cross country team and they hit the trail at 1:30am so they could see the sunrise from the summit--which they did. They made it home around 2:30pm. It's a 14mile hike and climbs over 4000ft to a height of almost 12,000 feet. She had so much fun. 

Sarah has been great fun to have home! She has been playing tennis with the twins and taking her younger siblings on adventures. She took CC and Ben up the canyon for croquet and river walking. On Friday night she took Beth and Ben to Nicklemania and for food at Wendy's. She is a party waiting to happen! She also has done some things with Allyson and finished her application to BYU this week.

Savannah went up to Rexburg to spend some time with her cousin, Samantha! She left Thursday and will be back later today. It's so fun that those two still enjoy each other's friendship.

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