Sunday, April 22, 2018

Megan Rose Skinner received her mission call on Friday!  There was much screaming and excitement. It took us until 9:30 that night to gather all the people who we needed to be there.  She opened it and found that she has been called to the Singapore, Malaysia mission, speaking Malay and leaving June 6! Her hands were shaking and she couldn't stop smiling and she said repeatedly, "I'm just so excited!" We are so excited for her, too! Finals will be done on Thursday, and then we've got some work to do!

We saw Savannah this week, too!  She was here for the call opening, of course! But she came by a couple of other days, too.  She is really looking forward to the end of all the work of this semester! We are looking forward to having her home living with us again!

Meanwhile, Sarah finished up her last week of living with us for a bit! She had her last day at the Brick Oven. Many tears were shed--not!! She and I went to see a movie together in the middle of the day and ate a whole tub of popcorn. So fun! She picked up her friend, Brittney from the airport on Thursday night and she hung out with us until Saturday morning when the two of them headed up the road to college life and achievements and new experiences! Go Sarah!

Mariah had track practices all week and a track meet on Friday! She PRed in the two mile with a time of 11:56. Go girl! She also has been playing Powder Puff Football for the last couple of weeks and been having a grand time. They eventually lost twice and are done but she got to wear her pink shirt and score some touch downs in the meantime.  Saturday was prom! She looked lovely and went with a boy in our new ward. They had a great time and strengthened a new friendship I think!

Cheyenne and Calianne had track practice all week and are keeping to their challenge of playing piano for an hour a day six days a week for one month. Cheyenne is working on planting us some flowers in the front flower bed. Calianne made us Monster Cookies this week in the apron she sewed herself in her sewing class at school! They both ran in another track meet on Friday at SHS and both did super!

Bethany had karate and sewing this week. She also had friends over and enjoyed hanging out with her older sisters. It is hard being nine when everyone else is having big life moments like getting a mission call to Singapore! Poor dear. We are trying to convince her to enjoy being a kid a little while longer!
Benjamin had cub scouts this week and karate and guitar and soccer. He is really enjoying soccer and I'm so glad I signed him up! He knows nothing, of course, but he is catching on fast and he sure loves to run.
Kevin was called and sustained to be the first counselor in the newly-reorganized Elder's Quorum last Sunday. He is really looking forward to serving in this way and getting to know more people because of it! He will do great.
I am writing and loving it as the days get prettier and warmer. This morning was warm enough to sit out on my veranda and write the blog. Happy sigh.

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