Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sarah came back to us this week and left us this week!  She traveled all day Tuesday and landed close to 10pm Tuesday night.  Kevin and I picked her up from the airport and we were all so excited to see each other!  The excitement continued the next morning when her siblings got to see her and hug her and then again that afternoon when we made a trip over to BYU to see Megan and Savannah!  Thursday she tried to shake off the jet lag and she worked on packing her stuff and writing an account of her adventures in Austria and she even went to our Relief Society activity that night with me!  Friday she and I got our hairs cut and that night Megan and Savannah came home and the kids made treats and watched The Sound of Music together so Sarah could show them all where she'd been!  If you'd like to read an account of her trip, you can see it here: Saturday morning, all ten of us (Yay!) went to Brick Oven for lunch for our Sayonara Sarah party!  We had such fun being together!  Afterwards, Savannah and Megan went back to their apartments and Sarah took off in her car for her new apartment in Rexburg and the rest of us went back home so glad that we'd had the time together!

Amidst all that, Savannah and Megan started real college classes this week!  Savannah met with an academic counselor this week because she was thinking of changing her major and ended up dropping two classes that were making her very stressed and adding two that she was much more comfortable with!  So we are happy that she is feeling happier about her semester!  Most of Megan's stress came before classes even started with tales of how hard her classes would be.  She is still a bit stressed after going but seems to be doing better now that she can actually do some work and do something about it!  We know she will do great!  During one of our house showings this week, we came to her dorm and hung out in the lobby of David Hall.  Mariah was at cross country practice, but Savannah came over from her job across the street, too!  We made quite a racket amongst those studious college students!  Ha ha!

Cali and Cheyenne tried out for the junior high tennis team this week and made it!!  Yay Cali and Chey!  They've been good sports about the house showings we had to do this week and have liked hanging out with their sisters.  Thank goodness for the diversions because school is still just not their favorite thing lately!

Beth and Ben had Karate this week and played with their friends afterschool ALOT!  They've been good sports about having to leave the house for an hour or so everyday, too, but it is harder on them since that takes away from their "playing with friends" time!  They've still managed to do it a lot, though, if you ask me!  Lol!

Mariah ran in a meet Friday and did well!  Her legs were tired, though, she reports, and thinks it might have been the hour of basketball she played the night before!  She is taking the moving-out of her sisters harder than anyone.  Why do they have to leave?!

I vacuumed the house EVERYDAY this week!  Hello!  I don't know about you, but I do not usually do that.  What a lot of time that takes!  Kevin scraped and painted the ceiling of the carport.  That takes a lot of time, too, but it sure looks nice!  We had one showing a day all week and an open house on Saturday.  No offers yet, but we are hopeful.  I even forgot to mention that we had a showing on Monday which was Labor Day so we went to Provo (since then we could pick up our BYU students) and had a picnic and a short hike up Rock Canyon.  It was pretty and HOT!

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