Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sarah went hiking with Robin and I this week!  She worked Monday through Thursday, but she didn't have to go to work until 2:30 on Thursday, so she came with us as we hiked along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail.  Believe it or not, it was such a warm day that we were uncomfortably HOT!  What?  Is it really February?  I much prefer the heat to the cold and the mounds of snow, so yay!  I brought Sarah some dinner that day and got a picture of her with one of the twin babies for whom she is nannying.  That Sarah of mine is sure a natural!

Megan had a busy week getting ready for the FCCLA Conference held at BYU on Friday.  She and her team created a business proposal for a lemonade and pastry shop called Lemon Ice.  They scored high and will go on to State.  She sure can talk business now, too!

Mariah and her team went bowling Tuesday instead of having practice or a game!  Fun times!  They did have games on Friday and Kevin, Sarah, Grandma, Grandpa, Megan, and I all watched at least some.  At the end of the Sophomore game, they were down by five, Mariah hit a three-pointer so they were down by two, and in the last seconds of the game, while in bonus, the other team foolishly fouled Mariah.  She swished both free throws putting us into overtime where we won!  She's a star.  We even have her sports card to prove it:

Cali and Chey were stars in their basketball games this week, too.  They played in a Springville Rec game and their last bantam game until March league.  They lost both games but held tight under great odds!  They've both shown great improvement in their game and are playing great!

Springville game where Sarah helps coach, too!

Bantam team.
Bethany received an award at school this week for being a great kid.  She really is a great kid.  There is not a mean bone in her body.  All sweetness and sugar and spice that girl!

Benjamin had a good week, too, doing Karate, going to school, playing with friends, and playing on the iPad.

Our ward has started it's yearly fundraiser for the youth.  This year, they are raising calves!  It is such an ambitious project and yet, is turning out to be so fantastic.  Megan and Mariah have a calf, Cali has a calf in another group, and Chey has a calf in another.  (There are 2 or 3 in each group).  They have to feed them with a bottle at 5:30 in the morning and 5:30 at night, check their straw, and check their health.  They are having a great time.  They've named their calves Thor and Oliver COWdery and MOO-lawn.

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