Sunday, March 6, 2016

Benjamin was super shy when Matt and Lynsey came to get Quincy this week!  I found about 20 pictures he took of her on my phone!  He and all of us really enjoyed having a baby around again and we were sad to see her go!  Matt and Lynsey gave all the girls a flower clip for their hair from Hawaii and they brought Ben a "warrior" necklace.  Ben was skeptical at first but has since worn it every day.  He's pretty proud of it and about the fact that he got it "for helping take care of a baby!"  :)

I made the grievous mistake a couple of weeks ago of letting Bethany watch the first episode of the kids' TV series, Goosebumps.  It was about a doll that comes to life and turns the little girl who owns her into a doll.  Horrible, I know!  Since then, Beth has not been able to go into any room alone.  She won't go downstairs to change into her clothes.  Sometimes she won't even go into the bathroom.  You can imagine the discomfort that produces in her life!  Poor girl.  She has always been our brave little thing who loves scary shows and creating haunted houses.  I don't know if she is going to get that mojo back ever.  For now, she recruits Ben whenever she needs to go downstairs.  She knows that little brothers are pretty great so that's good!

Cali and Cheyenne along with Beth and Ben have been enjoying the warm weather we've been having and playing a lot more outside.  They've had house on top of the shed, played games with the throne in the front yard, and last night they threw the softball to each other and then tried some tennis in the street.  They went to a birthday party Friday night where the theme was Just Dance.  They love that game and so do all their friends.  They had a great time!  They started March league for basketball with a game yesterday and they won!  Things are looking good!

When the weather gets warm, I remember how much I love where I live!

Mariah and Megan have started track in earnest.  They've had pretty intense practices and can tell that they are getting in shape!  Mariah will continue attending the basketball and seminary classes at the high school until the end of the year because her team will have a spring league.  This week, though, they had the days off and Mariah enjoyed the extra time!  She used a lot of it for cultural celebration practices this week!

Megan took the ACT this week.  All the juniors at the high school took the ACT on Tuesday and the rest of the students had the day off!  What a deal!  Besides feeling picked on, Meg felt like she did pretty well except for the science section.  Bleh.  She also worked at Funfinity and attended all the cultural celebration practices we had this week of which there were three!  One on Tuesday night at the Marriot center and two on Saturday--one in the morning at Provo High and one in the evening at the Marriot center with ALL the youth from the gazillion stakes participating.  It is going to be so incredible!

Sarah also practiced for the cultural celebration, as did Mariah.  Sarah also worked at Funfinity and is working on getting herself a raise.  She found out that BYU Idaho assigned her the Fall-Spring track which means if she decides to attend there, she'll go off to college for 14 weeks starting in September, then come back for 14 weeks, then go off for another 14 weeks starting in April and then come back for another 7 weeks in summer before starting again.  It might be really great since we will get to have her come back so often!

Kevin taught at an Addictions Conference at UVU on Friday and had over 100 therapists in attendance.  They thanked the presenters by paying for dinner at a fancy restaurant that night.  That was fun!

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