Sunday, January 17, 2016

This was the last week of the kids' first semester.  They're half-way done! We tried to get a little excitement going in our house over this milestone but we mostly got grunts and blank stares.  I suppose they are too weighed down by the months still in front of them!

Sarah and Megan both finished their first semester with flying colors!  In preparation for the upcoming semester, Megan convinced Sarah to drop her Sociology class and take Drawing with her instead!  They are both excited for that, at least.  They both worked a few days this week and had the most fun when they worked together and went to Chick-Fil-A afterwards to celebrate the end of their shift!  They always have a good time together.

Mariah played in basketball games on Tuesday and did terrific, as usual!  I took all four of her younger siblings to watch her on Tuesday night at the high school counting on someone letting us in for a discount.  The VP who used to be in our ward, saw me at the ticket counter and let us in for FREE!  Yay!  It was a night to watch big sister play!  On Friday, we had no school, so Mariah took advantage of the extra time and convinced me to take her to the DMV for her learner's permit.  She passed the written exam!  She's ready for the roads!

Cheyenne's big news of the week is that she got the dubious honor of being the second person in our family to get braces on her teeth!  She's been a bit anxious about it before and after, but now seems to be adjusting well and is coming to terms with her new teeth routine and her new look!  Calianne was a bit jealous that Cheyenne got to miss school, but I think is, overall, glad to let Cheyenne be the twin who gets this experience!

Bethany and Benjamin are both still enjoying school.  They play with friends afterschool, sometimes with Beth's friends, sometimes with Ben's, and sometimes separately with their own friends!  I think it's great all that they are learning and becoming and how much they love each other.

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