Sunday, August 2, 2015

We started this week with Ben back at the dentist to fill the last few of his cavities.  He didn't do as well this time and fought them most of the way!  They sure earned their money.  They may have even questioned their decision to go into the dental profession.  Still, the job finally got done.  We're hoping for no more of those in the future!

Wednesday was Kevin's and my 21st wedding anniversary!  You may remember that last year we were planning on hiking Timpanogos and then were foiled by bad weather.  Well, about a week ago, Kevin told me he was planning on taking the day off for our anniversary and we could do whatever I wanted--even hike Timp if I wanted.  I hadn't been planning on it at all so I hadn't been training for it at all, but it's been so hard to find a day that works for us, that I decided we should jump on that chance!  So, we woke up at 4:30 on the day of our anniversary and were on the trail by 6:15.  We spent the next four hours hiking UP.  It's a beautiful hike through pines and shrubbery and red and blue and yellow wildflowers.  You pass a waterfall at the first mile and several small streams trickle down the mountain and cross the path as you continue to climb.  Eventually though, the tops of the pine trees are at your feet and even the peaks next to you begin to dip below your eye level and you realize how truly epic this hike you've undertaken truly is!  This was also about the time that the continual hike up and the continual hard breathing and continual heightened heart rate and the continual burning in my legs caused me to start seeing black spots in my vision and contemplate, as I looked down the sheer face of the mountain I'd been climbing, what an awful place this would be to faint!  Gratefully, I made it to Emerald Lake which is a beautiful destination 5.3 miles from the trailhead.  Gorgeous!  I sat gingerly on a rock and ate some of my sandwich hoping it could refuel my legs as quickly as refueling a car.  Funny how legs aren't like that.  It was 2 more miles to the summit.  Two more miles UP and then I'd still need to use those same legs to get back down.  Instead, Kevin and I decided to try again another time.  I'll need to do some training before the next attempt!  The hike back down was HARD, using my legs now to stop me from tumbling downward with each step. Constantly stepping downward.  For two and a half hours!  Ow. ow. ow. ow.  My legs were shot for the next three days.  It sure was beautiful, though!  And we sure will remember this anniversary!  And Kevin was the perfect hiking partner, supportive and thrilled to be there, too--and he carried both the backpacks from about mile 2.  It was a great adventure and great to do together!  We are already trying to find a day to go back!

The next day we packed up the car and left for the Skinner reunion at Heise Hot Springs in Idaho!  Sarah spent the first few days of the week with her friend, Allyson, and her family at Lava Hot Springs in Idaho.  That was on our way, so we just stopped by and picked her up.  She had a great time, though, going down the river in tubes, playing in the pool, and jumping from the high dives.

When we arrived at Heise, Michael and Aftyn and their family were already there, as were Grandpa and Maria.  We got to hang out with them at the campground that day and at the pool the next.  We haven't seen them for three years so it was great fun to be together again!  Matt and Lynsey and their family showed up that night and we had a great dinner together before heading back to the pool for a couple of hours and then some s'mores around the campfire before bed.  We had great fun seeing them, too, and passing around their baby girl!  Saturday, Todd and Brady arrived and we had as many as we were going to get.  It's always fun to talk with Todd and Brady so we did a lot of that while Kevin, Matt, and Michael tackled the golf course.  When they got back, the boys were finally able to give their dad the rifle they'd all pitched in to get for him.  We left later that afternoon for home.  It was a great visit!

Grandpa helped Beth pull her last front tooth
the first night we were there!

Our kids with Michael's Braxon and Eizak.

Michael's Linkon giving us his "I don't trust you, yet!" look.

The boy cousins climbed and dug and explored on this mountain
at our campground.

The "arm bands" Sarah made for her boy cousins!
Megan with Matt and his Quincy.

Cheyenne with Matt's gun because, "This is Idaho!"

The whole crew this year!

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