Sunday, May 10, 2015

My mom and my Uncle John came for a visit the first part of this week!  They came up to tour the new Payson Temple on Monday.  On Tuesday we did some touring in Springville and even went out for a Mexican lunch to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!  It was great to have them because they are both such fun!  I wish I had taken more pictures!
This is my uncle with his Corvette and my brother with his!
We lost Ben's glasses this week.  :(  Do you think we'll find them?  He had Joy School and played transformers lots and lots with his friends.  He ignored us when we told him what to do and grinned mischievously and cuddled sweetly with his warm body next to mine when he was tired.  On Friday while I was at tennis, he and his dad walked home two miles from dropping Savannah's car off for repairs.  Apparently at the bridges he went over the bridge once, under the bridge once, and then finally through the river.  He keeps things interesting for himself.
Bethany got her ballet costume this week and got to wear her jazz costume for pictures!  Costumes are her favorite part!  When Ben and I went to the dollar store this week, we picked up a little tea set for Beth while we were there.  She immediately had a party for her friends, of course.
Cali, Cheyenne, and I got to go to a mother/daughter tea party this week for Activity Days.  It was super fun.  We had lemonade in our multi-themed tea cups, nibbled on finger food, and made ourselves some small top hats!  It was tons of fun.  Besides that, Cali and Chey had softball practice and have enjoyed having no homework for the rest of the school year!  Their teacher offered a treat for anyone who finished all the pages in their math workbook; Calianne worked on it all afternoon and early the next morning.  I was so impressed with her tenacity!  For math!  You go girl!

Mariah had track practice all week once again and a meet on Friday.  Before she was done (she had to miss one of her events) she was on her way to West Lake for a basketball tournament.  She played in two games Friday night and was back early Saturday morning for three more games spread throughout the day.  The poor girl got a stomach bug somewhere before her last game and started throwing up before she got home.  She didn't stop until about 2 am last night.  No gagging today but she is still feeling awful and sleeping a lot.  It's terrible!  We are all feeling awful for her!

Megan ran in her last track meet this week for Regionals!  She ran the mile on Wednesday and the 800 on Thursday where she did great in both but she didn't break her personal record so she is not as happy with her performance as I am!  She and I went over to the mall on Friday afternoon for a record-breaking-ly quick visit with my sister, Maggie, and her daughter, Becca.  It was great fun to see them even for a half-hour.  Becca was here for orchestra festival which Megan got to get up early Saturday morning and play in also with our high school.  Fun times!

Sarah got to help at Cali and Cheyenne's run-a-thon fundraiser this week at school.  Cali and Chey both ran close to 5 miles!  Sarah, as part of Key Club, got to help run with the special needs kids and she loved it!  She had so much fun.  She also worked and did her homework and improved her tennis skills and even had time left to hang out with her younger brother and sister and take selfies.
It has been great to have Savannah home!  She worked an almost 40 hour week which has been a hard adjustment for her, but she has been quick to say yes when asked to help us out with driving places and other chores when she is home.  What a trooper!  We love having her around once again!

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