Sunday, February 22, 2015

No school on Monday because of President's Day so we went hiking!  We have had crazy warm weather for February but I did choose a hike that people often do in the winter--the hot springs in Spanish Fork Canyon!  We've done it as a family before, but it was ten years ago!  Kevin and I carried the twins in backpacks that time and it was September.  This time Kevin had to work and even though the warm weather left the area free of large piles of snow, the path itself had several areas where old snow had been packed down by multitudes of hikers.  This equals ICE.  It was a beautiful hike but slippery and a bit dangerous.  That didn't stop us!!  (Even though it maybe should have!)  We all slipped except for Megan--lucky girl!  It's four miles round trip and everybody did a great job.  Nobody pooped out or complained.  I'm glad we did it!  Afterwards we stopped for curly fries and that made it all worth it.

Savannah had Monday off from school, too, but she went shopping with Grandma for her birthday, instead, and got a couple more missionary-type dresses!  She looks great in them.  She and her friends went to watch an acapella contest on campus Friday night and then stayed up late playing games to celebrate one of their hall-mate's birthday.  Saturday she played Dungeons and Dragons with some friends.  During the week I'm thinking she went to classes and did homework and went to work!

Sarah went to tennis twice and worked twice.  Friday night she went with some friends to the last high school basketball game of the season and had a terrific time.  She's been busy with school assignments in her spare minutes!

Megan has been making a bridge for extra-credit with her grandpa.  She went out today with her dad to see if she could conquer the art of driving a stick-shift.  Friday night she went roller skating with a group of friends for a guy's birthday party.  She had tons of fun.  Track started officially this week and she's been going to practices after school except for Wednesday when she performed in Festival with the orchestra.

Mariah had rehearsals all week.  She also had basketball games and practices.  Saturday was her last bantam game for the regular season.  They fought hard against a very talented team but they didn't win.  Their coach was proud of them, nonetheless!

Cali and Cheyenne have been sewing new lunch bags for themselves today with minimal help from mom.  I am impressed.  They went to a friend's house Friday night for a late night and had a great time.

Bethany's school had a Chinese New Year party on Wednesday night.  We got to watch Bethany do the dragon dance and then she got to do a few other activities.  It was fun.  I think Kevin's favorite part was listening to the native speaker speak in Mandarin about Chinese New Year traditions!

Benjamin had a cough and a runny nose all week.  I kept him out of primary last Sunday because of it and then I kept him home from Joy School because of it, too!  On top of that, it was the week I decided to limit his time on the tv and the ipad!  What to do?  The poor kid.  He's done well, in spite of it.  On Friday he even went "camping" in the front yard.  This week, we'll make sure he can play with friends again!

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