Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy Martin Luther King Day!  Beth surprised us all by reciting this to us at the dinner table.  LOVE that she learned that at school!  Otherwise, we didn't do much during our day off.  Kevin had to work.  Cali, Chey, Beth, and Ben all had friends over to play.  Sarah had to work in the afternoon.  Megan and Mariah rested up before they had to go back to school and . . .

Start a new semester!  Which is what most everybody did on Tuesday.  Sarah lost her web design class and her free period and gained child development and photography (fun times!).  Meg lost her graphic design class and gained health (blah!).  Mariah lost sewing and cooking and gained PE for fun and choir.  Life didn't change much for Chey, Cali, and Beth.  Benjamin went back to Joy School and he was glad that it wasn't any different.  Bethany did have ballet that afternoon and Sarah had tennis and Mariah had play rehearsal.  We had a fun service activity for YM/YW and late that night a ring of our doorbell announced that Megan had gotten asked to the Sweetheart Dance in February!

Wednesday was piano lessons for Sarah, Mariah, Cali, and Chey.  Cali and Chey had a great basketball game after that and Bethany had jazz.  Sarah worked.  Mariah had rehearsal for the play.

Thursday Ben had Joy School again.  I went to the gym to walk and type while he was there.  Here's a picture of my cool set-up.

Also on Thursday, Mariah had a basketball game and Cali and Chey had Up With Kids.  That night I recruited Sarah and Megan and Mariah (when she was done with her basketball game) to come play on our ward women's basketball team.  It turned out we were ome of the only ones there, but we had a great time playing against ourselves!

Friday Mariah and Kevin had basketball practice.  Kevin and I went out to eat after that and then over to our friends, the Grosland's, house for some games.

Saturday morning was church YW basketball where we had eight players show up for our team!  (Pretty great for a ward team).  But no team showed up to play against us.  So, we split them up and had them play against each other.  It was really fun.  That evening, Mariah had a Bantam basketball game where she played great and they won!  Kevin hurried over to meet me at the adult session of stake conference which we had the general session of . . .

Today.  Cali and Cheyenne have been learning the "Cups" choreography at school.  Apparently they did a massive performance with everyone in their grade doing the choreography at once.  I bet it was pretty awesome (and loud!).  I had them perform it for me, too, and have included it for your viewing pleasure!

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