Sunday, October 19, 2014

On Monday night, the tennis team had their end-of-year banquet!  Sarah, Megan, Kevin, and I all got to attend!  Megan and Sarah both got participation awards.  Sarah also got a Varsity letter certificate.  We also got a bunch of fancy professional pictures the coach had taken of them!  Tennis has been a great thing for them to be involved in and has developed skills that they can enjoy throughout their life.  Plus, we've got to watch a lot of exciting games!  I'm so glad they've been involved in it.

Tuesday was Mariah's last race for Cross Country.  District Finals had every girl in our district racing together (over 70 girls) and Mariah came in number 2!!  Can you believe it?  This was the course they ran in their first race of the season where Mariah ran a mile and a half in 10:14.  She ran it on Tuesday in 9:11!  That is a huge improvement.  Also, that is fast!  What a great season she has had!

Also on Tuesday, Sarah got her wisdom teeth removed!  The procedure went without any problems but it is no fun to recover from with the swollen jaw and restricted food.  Sigh.  Sarah has been a good sport, though, and even with her swollen jaw went to work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  They were short on employees at Funfinity because of Fall Break which started Wednesday for all the kids.  We didn't make any plans partly because Sarah was getting her wisdom teeth out and then they made her work!  It doesn't seem quite fair!  But it does prove what a trooper she is.

Cali and Cheyenne were thrilled to have a school holiday!  Unfortunately all their friends had plans Thursday and Friday!  They managed some fun times in the leaves and with each other, but they were happiest when their friends showed back up again.  Saturday I watched some little ones for a friend and I think that was C&C's favorite day!  They each took a little person (aged 3 and 1) and followed them around and took them to the playground.  They are great little babysitters!

Kevin took Friday off of work but again, it wasn't to play!  He replaced the roof on our shed which really needed it.  He spent Friday and Saturday working on it and got it done!  It was a lot of work but he did a really nice job on it.  He did have a small helper though he was more of a very interested four-year-old observer!

Can you see?  Ben is on the left and Kevin on the right!
I didn't get any pictures of Bethany this week but she really needed some time off school!  She has been getting weepy over homework and at bedtime--signs of stress and fatigue, I think.  She had lots of playmates during the break sometimes with five little girls all at once.  It was Bethany heaven!  Some of those girls have little brothers who came to play with Ben, so he was pretty happy, too.  I, for one, love to have a house full of little kids because they entertain each other all so well!

Scott took Savannah to a BYU homecoming dance on Friday night!  It was held at the Shops in the Riverwoods.  Kevin and I were gone when they left, but we got a picture when they got home.  It sounds like she had a really fun time and college is going well!

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