Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ben had his first father and sons outing this week!  He was so excited!  He told us multiple times, "Dad and I are going to sleep in a tent!  But it's just for boys, you guys can't go!"  To him, this was payback for Young Women camp.  The girls were still jealous, though!  Ben and Kevin had a great time and Kevin's only complaint was that Ben wanted to go to bed too early.  Sleeping in a tent is just so fun!

Cali and Cheyenne and Bethany made up for the lack of a camping trip by having a party in their room on Friday night instead!  I bought a little TV with built-in vcr this week for $10!  I put it in the little kids room and they love it!  Cali and Chey used their own money to buy soda and candy for their party, they made popcorn, piled blankets on the floor of their room, and they even invited Bethany!  They were going to stay up all night long watching movies.  Later, though, they decided that 11pm was good enough.  They had a grand time!

Because Mariah is her team captain for Cross Country, she got to go to a leadership conference on Wednesday of this week.  They fed them breakfast, did classes and what not, fed them lunch, and sent them back to school before it was over.  I thought it was pretty cool that she got that opportunity!  She had a cross country meet on Friday and came in first for her team and fourth overall.  It's been a really hot week, but she still did a great job!


Megan and Sarah had tennis matches on Tuesday and Thursday.  They both lost on Tuesday against Maple Mountain and they both won on Thursday against Provo.  Go Springville!  This was their last week of regular match play.  I can't believe the season is already over, but that is why it is so intense!  They have both made major improvement and are playing great.  Meg will play in Regionals this next week and Sarah will play the week after that. 

Right after their match Thursday, Sarah and Allyson and the rest of the varsity team got in cars and drove down to St. George for a tournament there.  They played all day Friday and Saturday.  They won three out of five of their matches and took second place at their position!  Pretty awesome!  Sarah says they played 69 games and won 36 of them!  Wow!  That's a lot of tennis playing!  They even had to play Maple Mountain again (who they lost against on Tuesday) and beat them this time!  Word is that they were playing great this weekend!  She got back today and had a super time staying up late and going out to eat and even seeing a movie as a team.  Not to mention all the medals they won.  What fun!

With Sarah gone, Megan and Mariah have been filling their time with their latest obsession, the tv series, Merlin.  Over the weekend they watched the entire last season -- thirteen episodes!  It was cute how they got so excited about it together . . . even if it was a bit obsessive.  :)

Ben had a great time at Joy School again this week and even got to go to the donut shop to see how donuts are made!

Bethany is still enjoying school and also her jazz class!

On Saturday, Kevin was given a ticket to the BYU home football game 7th row, 50 yard line!  He went and got nice and sunburned and had a great time!  How fun!

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