Sunday, July 13, 2014

Last Sunday, I took Beth and Ben for a walk.  We stopped by one of my favorite spots.  Beth and Ben did some "fishing" with long sticks.

Savannah is getting acclimated to her job.  She's feeling more comfortable with her coworkers. One of them even took her on a lunch date last Saturday.  Fun!  She's also feeling more able to contribute to the work projects.  That makes her enjoy it more, too.  When she's home, she kinda wants to do something other than be on the computer.  Crazy!  So she's been watching some TV with her sisters and on Saturday she took Megan, Cheyenne, Cali, and Beth to the theater to see a movie.  What a great sister!

Savannah with her newly-blonde mother!
Sarah had an uber-busy week!  The girls' softball tournament was this week and she was scorekeeping.  On Tuesday and Wednesday she worked from 10:30 in the morning until 10:30 at night!  Those were some long days!  Then she worked at Funfinity Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  She also found time to go to the movies with her friends and Mariah Friday night and do several projects to get ready for camp (where she's a Youth Camp Leader this year)!

She loves this baby bunny!
Megan played tennis M-W evenings this week and it was HOT!  She had a match Thursday night where it was not hot but the wind blew and the rain slew.  No fair!  She still got to play though and it was fun.  She has finished organizing her new room and it is nice!  What a flair she has for design.

Mariah's friend, Jessica, came back from an extended vacation and Mariah was able to go to the pool with her this week.  She's been reading the Legend trilogy and says they are "Great Books!". She's also been practicing piano and her basketball skills when she gets the chance.

Cali and Cheyenne have been playing with friends and working on their new room.  They also got to go to sewing class two times this week!  Lucky girls!  They made sewing pants one day and owl pillows on the next.  Cheyenne has been very busy with the rabbits, too.  We have five new babies and we sold another, too.

New pajama pants!

Bethany has been very busy with the girl gang in our neighborhood.  I honestly sometimes hardly see her!  Even when she is at our house with all the friends (which is also often since they eat about 25 popsicles a day) she is busy with them and doesn't interact with me.  She is busy and social and loving her summer.  It is great!

Benjamin sometimes plays with Beth and her friends and sometimes plays with the boy across the street and sometimes just entertains himself.  One of the baby chicks is his and he is really good with it!  He loves his new room, too, and has had fun playing there, too.

I spent a big part of this week on the new room for our four youngest.  First I took out the carpet and put in linoleum squares.  That doesn't sound nice, but it is!  There's a lot of moisture in our basement and this will help us not worry so much about whether the carpet is wet or not.  Plus, it has a wood-look.  Then I repainted.  We got some fun rugs -- one that looks like a dollhouse and one for cars and trains.  We also got some curtains for the bottom bunks.  We still need to hang some shelves and pictures and finalize some storage issues but most of it is done.  Yay!  I am happy with it.

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