Sunday, April 13, 2014

This week was Spring Break and Benjamin's birthday!  So, to start off our vacation week, we did something we thought Ben would enjoy.  We went on a train ride!  There's an old train that just does scenic rides from Heber and we decided to try it out!

Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik came, too!  It was lots of fun.  Our passenger car has been in service since 1930.  It was old!  (And, oh, so cool!). We had a great ride driving into the canyon and back.  Our conductor had us singing songs and dancing.  We even had a visit from a fiddler who played Orange Blossom Special while we went down the tracks.  We made some great memories!

On Tuesday we went to Grandma's house.  She fed us lunch and we all watched The Saratov Approach while the little kids played down stairs.  It was a great movie and everyone had a good time.  Grandma also did balloons and cake for Ben's upcoming birthday!

Wednesday was Ben's official birthday!  He turned four years old!  He's getting so big!  To celebrate, we went to the zoo!

We finished up with a picnic at This is the Place monument!
That night we had hamburgers and "strawmelon" which is what Ben calls watermelon.  He's been asking for it all winter.  He loves it!!  Then we had cupcakes and opened presents.  He was a very happy boy!  We love him to pieces.

Friday night we had a picnic up the canyon and played a Skinner softball game!!!  Those are the best I gotta tell you. Ben thought it was hysterical when Dad would chase him to the base.  Dad tutored Cheye and Cali a bit before the game and they were doing great.  We had fun! 

Saturday we laid sod in our backyard -- again!  We hope it lasts this time.  It was a lot of work!  Everybody helped although Dad was the main worker, of course.  Benjamin helped the longest and the most enthusiastically.  He thought it was great.  Our backyard sure looks pretty now!

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