Monday, December 9, 2013

This is the only picture I have this week!  Unless of course, you count this one:

I think that is Ben's head and he's in his  room.  What's he doing  with my phone??  Ah well. Back to picture number one. Remember when I told you that Ben loves  tape?  Well, this was a "gration" (decoration) that he made for me in the kitchen.  Isn't it lovely?  He enjoyed making it immensely.  It's totally worth the $2 spent in tape!  Not to mention he came grocery shopping with me and it kept him totally occupied and content to sit in the cart.  Of course, I had to untape the cart before I put it back . . .

Ben did a lot of shopping with me this week, actually.  Considering I started the week with mostly none of my Christmas shopping done and ended the week with almost all of it completed, that's a lot of shopping.  Of course, a good portion was also done online.  I had to go to the mall for a few things, though.  The first time I didn't make any provisions for him and we necessarily had to make the trip short.  The second time, I brought the stroller and the ipad.  I love the ipad!  Three hours in the mall and when I stopped to buy him curly fries he said, "Shopping is fun!"  Amazing, I  know!

Bethany's friend, Macie, moved away last week and she had a significant meltdown about it this week.  She got invited to spend all of Friday morning with her in her new house, though, and she had a great time.  Maybe she will survive afterall!

Cali and Chey had basketball practice on Monday and Tuesday with yours truly as their coach.  They are doing great.  They even went to practice with Dad a couple of times this week.  They had a primary activity on Thursday where they were supposed to go caroling.  It was toooooo cold, though, so they stayed at the church and had a fun time anyway.  Their rabbits' water bottle froze solid everyday.  We got covered in snow on Tuesday and it's been below freezing ever since.  Cali and Chey think it is fantastic!  I am not of the same opinion!

Mariah had another Mapleton game on Tuesday.  I didn't get to see it, but her dad says she was a star!  Mariah had to come out in the first half because of a bloody nose and at half time the score was 11 to 6.  We were down.  Mariah went back in after half and the game ended 37 to 22.  The 37 was our team!  She sure turned that game around!  I got to watch her first Bantam game on Saturday.  They played great and they won by seven.  It was  fun to watch!

Megan is LOVING the junior high basketball team.  She played on Monday and Wednesday and though they didn't win, their team is playing better and better and Meg looks great.  I got to watch both games!  I'm glad she is having so much fun!

Sarah had at least three study groups this week.  It is a fun way to be social and get your homework done!  It is definitely her favorite way to get work done!  She's also been going to the high school a couple of nights a week to help her friend, Allyson, train for the softball season.  We knew that ability to throw and catch would come in handy sometime!

Savannah worked just twice this week -- maybe thrice.  She had a one-day choir trip up to SLC on Thursday.  They sang at a few of the churches and got to watch a rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  She didn't get home until about ten, but she had a fun time!

Kevin has been busy digging us out of the snow and pushing his car out of the driveway so he can go to work and be an amazing therapist and then go to various gyms and be an amazing coach and then home again so he can be an amazing dad!  He spoke in church on Sunday as part of the high priest leadership.  He did a great job.

I got a lot done last week (as mentioned earlier), but today Bethany and I have stomach flu.  I am looking forward to better days ahead.  *weak smile*

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