Merry Christmas!!!
No school this week! Yay!! On Monday Sarah, Megan, and Mariah, with friend Hannah, went to the mall for some last minute shopping and also went to see Frozen. They all loved it. Megan had really, really wanted to go so it was something of a continuing birthday celebration. Fun!
Savannah had to work Monday, but not on Christmas Eve, so we took advantage of the great weather and finally delivered our neighbor gifts. There's nothing wrong with the last minute as long as you don't run out of said minutes, which we didn't! Then we were off to Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik's house for our traditional candlelight dinner and Christmas program. Dinner was delicious! Then the girls reenacted the nativity for us while Dad read. Ben was supposed to be a sheep but he declined saying he only knew how to be a cat... Then they did Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and it was so funny! Then we played the bells and then we had a piano/violin recital and then everyone opened presents from Grandma and Grandpa! They are always so good to us. We had a great evening. It was so fun to be with each other.
The next morning was Christmas Day! There was much unwrapping and exclaiming and expressions of gratitude. We have sweet kids who make giving fun.
We always have French toast after Santa presents. (Chey even wrote in a school paper that Christmas smells like French toast!) Then we opened more presents from sisters and neighbors and Grandma and Grandpa Elton. What a lucky group of people we are!
These are actually Santa presents but aren't they cute with their matching doll outfits??
Later that day Grandma and Grandpa came over again and we had another nice dinner. It was a great day and so nice to all enjoy one another and the blessings we share and to remember our Savior and celebrate Him the grandest way we know how.
So . . . the next day was Thursday. Phew! Christmas is over. So, Cali and Chey and I had a basketball practice in the morning and then went to Build a Bear to use Cali's gift certificate for which she had asked for Christmas. Cali, in her kind way, shared her certificate with Cheyenne. They are sweet friends!
Thursday also began our trip through the valley of the sick. Megan spent all day Thursday on the couch. Sarah took her place on Friday and hasn't been able to spend much time up since. Cali has joined her on the beanbag just next door. Mariah has fought the headache on and off but has not completely succumbed as of yet. Kevin took his turn on Monday and is still fighting a lingering cough. We are lucky that Christmas day escaped our week of sickness! Hopefully everyone will be better again soon!
Cheyenne took down all the Christmas decorations for me and put them away! That was a big help! She is a cleaning girl and a great help.
I love all my family! They are the greatest present ever! What a fun week!