Sunday, October 13, 2013

Someday he will totally be embarrased by this picture!  But for now, it's so adorable!

We only had  three days of school this week because Thursday and Friday were Fall Break!  Megan had had two meets cancelled because of rain so she had both the makeups this week.  This meant that she played on Tuesday and Wednesday over at the high school.  That was great fun for me as it was so easy to go watch her!  Watching at Springville High School is also my favorite because the backdrop is so pretty! Horses and mountains . . . it's pretty awesome especially with blue sky.  Unfortunately we didn't get any of that this time!  Megan played great!  She can play tennis really well!  She is fun to watch, too, though, because she is so cheerful!  She stays upbeat with her partner and her opponents even if she is losing.  That's a big deal.  She is a sweet girl and generous with her compliments to others.  I'm so proud of her!

There are horses in that field in front of the trees.  I'm sure if  you got a magnifying glass you could see them!
On Tuesday we had some excitement because Kevin was on TV!  He was on the morning show "Good Things Utah." He was representing his new agency Addo Recovery and talking about how important it is to be aware of sexual addictions and to seek help.  He looked great and did great for his ten minute spot!  He said it was kind of cool to see the set.  He took this cool picture:

Our first day of Fall Break was rainy!  By rainy I mean it rained almost constantly all day.  Whoa! Not fun.  Cali and Chey invited friends over and still made a great day of it!  The rest of us were kind of climbing all over each other.  I wanted to climb all over Maple Mountain.  That would have been way more fun.  :(

Never fear!  Friday dawned sunny!  Yay!  So, we packed up the car and drove up to SLC to go to the zoo! Fall is my  favorite time for the zoo.  The air is cool and comfortable for walking  and the colors on the trees so gorgeous.  Savannah opted out but the rest of us enjoyed being stared at by the animals and watching Ben's reaction as he saw most of these animals  for the first time!

Doesn't Sarah look awesome with wings?

Show-off sea lion!

Our new best-friend!

Parsel-tongue anyone?

There was even a carousel!

These girls told me they didn't want to go on the carousel because they "still had their dignity."  They claimed they were the only teenagers in the whole zoo! (They loved it, though!)

Friday night Mariah, Chey, Cali, Beth, and Ben spent the night at Grandma's house!  They had a great time, as always!  They love being able to go to her house and stay the night.  It's one of their favorite things.  It's kind  of nice for me, too!

Kevin and I went to see an Agatha Christie play Friday night, "The Unexpected Guest."  It was so fun!  I didn't have it figured until the "shocking climax!" which is  the best way, don't you think?

Friday night after she worked, Savannah had her friend Jessica over and they watched episodes of Dr. Who.  She did much screaming!  That girl really knows how to get into a show!

On Saturday, none of  the twins' friends could play!  Instead they worked really hard on their big job, which was cleaning the backyard.  You should have seen how hard they worked on it!  AND it looks great!  Mariah did a stellar job on our carport, too!

Saturday night Savannah and Mariah got invited to go with the Morrison's to a musical in Orem. They had tons of fun!

1 comment:

MaggieJo said...

You can never be too old for the zoo!