Sunday, May 26, 2013

It was the last week of school!!  Which for the elementary school kids meant a theme every day!
Crazy hair day!

Hat day!
They also had crazy sock day, wear green day, and tie day.  Mariah helped plan the themes as part of student council.  I think it was tons of fun!  Friday was the sixth grade celebration and Grandma Gazdik and I listened as the sixth graders sang some great songs (with choreography!) and Mariah got her National Fitness Award.  We saw the sixth grade slide show and clapped for the students and the teachers.  I felt totally nostalgic.  Where does the time go?  Nevertheless, I'm so pleased with the beautiful, capable person Mariah is becoming.  I can't be sad about that!

For my junior high kids, the last week of school meant yearbook signing and the LAGOON trip!  They had tons of fun.  Sarah lost her yearbook full of signatures on Thursday.  They hadn't seen it in the office when she checked on Friday, but they gave her a new one -- which was nice.  Still, she was sad to lose all the signatures!  Megan filled her book full, too.  They were both pretty bored by the end of the week, though.  Apparently, the kids just roamed the hall on the last day.  They were all glad to be DONE!  Friday night they got a group together to play night games.  Fun times!

For my high schooler, the last week of school meant end-of-year assembly, graduation practice, and GRADUATION!  Savannah attends all those as a part of the choir.  She still had a chemistry and math assignment due this week, but once it was done, she was done.  She didn't even go back to school once graduation was done!  Which was happy because then I had a babysitter for sixth grade celebration!  She also headed over to a party Saturday after work.  Yay!  Some fun!

For Bethany, it meant PRESCHOOL GRADUATION!  I really love the curriculum we used this year.  The kids can write all their letters and they can put together and read three-letter words.  It's so great!  Graduation was a small party with picnic lunch and certificates.  Great job, Bethany!

For Ben, life was pretty much the same.  He thought it was really cool when Dad mowed the lawn on Saturday.  He thinks it is vacuuming.  He found out that the lawn mower is a bit tougher to push than the vacuum, though!

He and Beth are still great friends!

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