Monday, April 29, 2013

We celebrated Earth Day this week by agreeing to take down the giant sycamore tree in our front yard.  It felt like a rather shoddy way of celebrating the holiday in truth.  But, the limbs keep falling on our neighbor's house and after three certified arborists all independently told me that the tree really was dangerous and needed to come down, what could I do?  It will come down sometime this next month.  Stay posted!  Goodbye our beautiful tree!

Well, Sarah did it and finished her last week of driver's ed!  Hurrah!  She takes her road test Monday.  If she passes that, and she will, then on her birthday we just have to show up at the DMV, give them the records from her class, and they will make her a legal driver.  She is ready!  She is doing great driving, too.  She volunteers to drive every time we go anywhere.  That's a good sign that she's getting comfortable with our great beast of a van!

Last night Calianne and Cheyenne showed me the blisters they've gotten on their hands from doing monkey bars.  Calianne said, "When you do monkey bars, you feel like you're soaring through the sky!"  Cheyenne agreed, "Yes!  It's like you're flying!"  Who knew that monkey bars could produce such raptures??  They have been doing monkey bars at recess and then Saturday they spent a couple of hours at the park doing it some more!  They obviously love it.

Bethany has been playing with her friends and Ben has been joining in.  He has even had some friends of his own friends over this week.  One day he and one friend dug in the dirt looking for bugs.  Ben kept yelling, "Poopy head!"  I thought he was yelling that at his friend, but it turned out that was what he was calling the bugs.  That's better.  Another day, he and another friend loaded our wagon with bricks and giant rocks -- just for the thrill of loading heavy things!  Bethany played dress-up and house and sat on the couch with her friends looking at books.  So sweet!  :)

Since the weather has finally swum upward into nice temperatures, we've been able to be outside comfortably for the first time EVER (okay, ever this spring).  Mariah has spent a lot of time up in the maple tree in our front yard (good thing we don't have to cut that one down!) reading books.  Meg has found time to climb up a couple of times, too, and she even talked Mariah into taking her picture.

Megan continues to go faithfully to track practice.  I saw her run one of her events at her track meet on Friday.  She was the last runner in the 4x400 relay.  The opposing team was at least 50 meters in front of her when Meg grabbed the baton.  At the 200 meter mark, the girl was still 50 meters ahead of her.  Kevin said, "Wooo, this is going to be close!"  And I said, "Um, no, I don't think so."  But Kevin was right.  That's where Meg puts on her kick.  At the finish line they were toe to toe.  It was amazing!  Meg didn't pull off the win for her team, but boy was it fun to watch!!  I feel bad the rest of you weren't there to see it!

Saturday morning the high school tennis coach organized a tennis tournament for the students and their parents.  Kevin, Sarah, and Megan all went over and played.  They had tons of fun!  It was a beautiful morning for tennis, too, as Ben, Beth, and I walked over to watch some.  They paired Kevin up with some senior boys from the team.  Kevin says he got his can kicked!  They are all very sore today.

A little bird made a nest in the flower arrangement I have hanging right next to our front door.  She built it while we were gone to California and I'm sure she thought she'd found just the right, quiet spot.  I'm sure she was horrified when we came home and she'd already laid her eggs!  She's been faithful, though, and the little birds have hatched out.  They are the cutest little bunch of fluff!  Hopefully, the momma will stick with them until the end.  They are so sweet!

We decided to go ahead and sign Mariah up for softball.  She's been going to practices twice a week and even though she didn't play at all last year, it still seems like she'll be a pretty strong force on their team!  She is having fun.

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