Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is that beautiful weather or what?

 We went from gorgeous warm days like that to the below snow-covered picture in 24 hours.  It was crazy!

The storm came in Friday morning and stayed until Saturday morning.  It was of particular importance to us because we needed to finish a project.  Last weekend, when the weather was nice all weekend, Kevin decided to redo the roof over the carport.  The roofing was old, leaking, and causing some of the boards underneath to rot.  Kevin got the old roofing off last weekend, but when he went to get the materials for the new roof, found out that they had to be special ordered and he'd have to wait until next weekend.  That would have been fine, except for the above-mentioned approaching storm.  So, Kevin and several wonderful men from our ward, worked on the carport just about every night this week.  Thursday was the biggest day as that was when the metal roofing came in and the day before the storm.  Those men worked until midnight and got her done!  On the positive side of things, the weather was nice and warm and dry albeit dark.  The next day we woke up to rain, the day after that, Kevin measured the snow on top of the carport -- 10 inches.  Yay!  It got done just in time.

So that was not the only thing Kevin was doing in the evenings this past week.  The basketball season in Mapleton started on Wednesday night.  He had practice Monday night and games Wednesday and Thursday night.  We had a roof to get on, but the basketball distractions were awfully fun!  Megan and Mariah played great both nights.  They won both games.  I watched Meg and Mariah both steal balls and go down the court for layups at the other end.  They played really well.

And speaking of basketball, Sarah made the junior high basketball team.  Yay, Sarah!  She had practice everyday after school this past week and has been very, very sore!  She likes her team and is already having fun.

Savannah has been working on some NaNoWriMo projects.  She's not sure if she'll go the distance this year, but she has been having fun editing some of her old projects.  She also worked Thu, Fri, and Saturday at Funfinity.

Cheyenne did a great job cleaning her room on Saturday.  She told Cali that she wanted to do it herself.  She does this rather often.  She likes to organize and make things neat and she does a good job!  She also started ukulele club at school.  Since she just got her cast off, she is behind on what the others know, but she sure wants to know!

Calianne and Mariah made a maze out of our fallen leaves in the backyard before the storm came.  They had quite a lot of fun.  Cali was very excited about it.  Darn that snow!  She was a little weepy when we had to rake the leaves up in anticipation of the storm.  Not that it helped much.  Kevin needed the trailer for the roof, so we couldn't get our leaves up.  Now they are all under the snow!  We'll have to get them up after it melts.  Mariah did most of the raking Thursday afternoon.  She and Meg had fun with the gigantic pile, at least.

Wow!  That pile is big enough to hide a person!

Look at that!  There is a person in it!
Bethany and Benjamin have really liked the snow.  Bethany went out the first night with her friend next door and they had great fun.  Ben has been out everyday.  He likes to wear his boots and walk through the paths his sisters made in the snow.  He has great fun.

Saturday night Kevin and I had a chance to go out to eat with my Aunt Connie, Uncle Scott, and cousins Heather and Mark and their spouses.  It was so fun!  Connie had some names to take to the temple and asked if we'd like to come help, so afterwards we did that.  It was a super-great experience.  It was so fun to see the Erskines and talk with them again and it was so neat to be a part of Connie's family history work.  Kevin and I are both feeling a bit inspired by Connie.  Who knows?  We might actually do a little ourselves one of these days.  Actually, we already did Saturday night!  Lucky us!

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