Beth and I made dinner together this week. For a little while. Until her sister turned on the show she was wanting to watch. We owe this picture to Sarah whose pictures I love because we get more of our daily life taken in them!
I took this awesome picture, though. Four kids doing homework at the kitchen table. (I don't know what Ben is doing . . . probably looking for his car.) I asked just now, "What did we do this week you guys?" They said, "The Gillespie's came!" (More of that later). I said, "Yes, but what did we do before that?" Savannah said, "Did a lot of studying!" She said this in her groan voice. When I took this picture she was probably at the table in the front room. What a very industrious moment in the Skinner household! They do indeed do a lot of homework. Especially my three oldest. I'm proud of them for staying on top of it.
So . . . the Gillespies (my sister Maggie's family) did not have to do a lot of studying this week because they had fall break on Thursday and Friday. They decided to go to Lagoon and stay a few nights at the Skinner house. Yay!!
While the Gillespies were at Lagoon on Friday, the Skinners still went to school. That night the junior high and high school choirs did a preview concert together. That meant that Sarah and Savannah sang in the same concert. What a treat! They both looked so beautiful in their choir dresses and sang so well and their choirs sounded so good. How fun to have girls who like to sing!
On Saturday, we wanted to play with the Gillespies, but we were scheduled to help clean the church building and we also had to be there for the primary program practice in the morning. We decided to do both at the same time so we would be free in the afternoon. Talk about multi-tasking! The Gillespies even helped us out! It was awesome!
That afternoon we went up to Bridal Veil Falls. It was beautiful with all the leaves yellow. It was warm, too. Nice!
After that, we stopped at the Provo Beach Resort to watch the surfers. Did you know we have indoor surfing in Provo? Pretty cool, huh? We also browsed the uber cool toy store and stopped on our way home for ice cream.
That evening we had a ward party, so we brought the Gillespies along! We had lots of soup and chili and carrot cake! Bethany introduced all of her girlfriends to Dylan (age 7) and they chased him relentlessly! Poor kid! Bethany and her friends had tons of fun, though! Ben, too, would ask me (not just at the ward party), "Where's Dylan??" Aw, to have another boy around!
The Gillespies stayed for church today so their twins could see their friends they made at camp. AND today was the primary program during sacrament meeting. How fortuitous! Mariah, Cheyenne, Calianne, and Beth all had even more special people for whom to perform in the congregation. Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik came, too! It was sweet to hear their testimonies and hear them sing. They did awesome!
We had a great weekend! Yay for visits from the Gillespies! Yay for great weather! Yay for church and family!
1 comment:
Thanks again for singing for us! You guys did beautifully!!!
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