Sunday, June 10, 2012

I loved having a visit from my parents this week!  My dad left to go do some fishing for a couple of days and my mom stayed and visited.  It was such a pleasant visit.  On Monday night, Savannah's friend, Scott, came over and we all watched Thor.  On Tuesday, Grandma took Beth to Build A Bear for her birthday and we all came along to watch her pick out the most pink animal she could find!  Bethany was at the perfect age for really enjoying the experience.  She soaked everything up.  It was really cute!
Now wherever Bethany roams, Sparkles is not far behind!

My dad came back from fishing Tuesday afternoon and we went out for Thai food that night, just us grown-ups.  Yum!  They left Wednesday morning.  We were so glad that they came!  Now we will just count the days until we get to see them again!

They left right before all the excitement for Art City Days!  Wednesday night was family night at the carnival where you can ride all the rides for one ticket!  Savannah and Sarah weren't too excited for the rides this year, so Savannah stayed home to watch Ben and Sarah babysat for another family in our ward.  The rest of us braved the crowds for our children's annual experience with small-town carnival excitement!

It was great fun.  We went on the ferris wheel first.  I had Cheyenne and Bethany with me.  We got about half way up and Bethany started to shake, "Mommy!  I want to get off NOW!!!"  Poor little gal.  I forgot that ferris wheels can be kind of swingy and even scary!  She managed to hold off from all-out hysteria only barely while the loading was being done.  Gratefully, when the actual rotating around and around started, she relaxed and even managed, I think, to enjoy the ride.  She is a brave soul.  After that, the dragon roller coaster was no problem!  Megan and Mariah braved some of the harder rides.  They had a great time together, though they might have gotten a bit sick!

Friday morning we saw the hot-air balloons!

Sarah took these great pictures.  I actually saw the balloons after I got out of the pool and while I got on my bike.  My triathlon is next week!

Friday was also the children's art festival at the art museum.  Megan opted out this time and Sarah and Mariah took the three little girls!

 Savannah was a volunteer this year and was manning one of the tables!  YCC had her very busy this week.  The art festival wasn't the only thing she did to help with Art City Days.  She also helped with the library's teddy bear picnic, the fireman's breakfast, and the parade.  All that and she worked 20 hours at her regular job.  With YCC, she worked a couple of 12 hour days!  She was wiped out by the end of the week!

Saturday was the parade!

Ben was pretty captivated throughout.  The karate guys must have been his favorite, though, because he stood up then and tried to do some of the moves!

That afternoon, our neighbors reserved some tickets for us at a showing of Madagascar 3.  Kevin stayed home with Ben, we invited some other friends to use up the tickets, and we even gave a ride to two of our neighbor's renters who also had tickets.  The van was completely full.  It was heavy.  Nonetheless, we made it to the theatre safely and a good time was had by all.  We love free tickets!  And we love the Komps!

Saturday night was the fireworks.  Thanks to Sarah, I even have pictures!

Hurray for Springville's Art City Days!!  What a fun week!

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