Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our week started off with Ben destroying our computer. :( Maybe I should be one of those people already camping outside of BestBuy? For now, we are trying to get along with the iPad. Although we really like the iPad, there are a lot of things that are just easier with a real computer. Like blogging for instance . . . So I am trying to get used to this new way and putting it off effectively as well, obviously. :)

We had a fun week regardless! Cali and Cheyenne had their last two games of basketball this week. On Thursday I had the older girls come to cheer on their little sisters and take some pictures. It was great fun. Although I think I got lots better at understanding how little people and basketball mix, I still think I had lots to learn! I think it was tons of fun to watch C&C start to play the game!

On Friday, I got to do something wild and crazy! At least it felt that way since I don't ever do things like this . . . I went to go see a morning movie of Breaking Dawn with two girlfriends from my ward! Crazy, huh? My neighbor is a big Twilight fan and asked if I could go with her the morning of the release. And I thought, "Well, . . . maybe I could!". And I did! It was such fun. I think I ought a do stuff like that more often. I'm glad my neighbor asked!

Friday night was not quite as fun, though definitely rivaling in its emotional intensity -- Benjamin got his first stitches. That kid. He tripped and hit the side of his head against the piano bench. It wasn't a very long gash, but it was deep. We drove him over to the instacare where he scored three stitches. It's a good thing he didn't need more or he might have screamed himself into apoplexy. He is not a fan of doctors, examining tables, papers over his face, nor being held down, and the poor kid had it all happening at once! Of course, he was back to running around again as soon as we set him down. I am glad that he is okay, but I am sure that those won't be the last stitches in that boy's life!

We also got to see my sister Diane for a brief visit this week as she headed up to Logan for a funeral. It was so fun to see her and her husband and her sweet little baby!

Our last big news was that they had the assembly for the PTA Reflections contest at the elementary school. Mariah, Cheyenne, and Calianne entered. Mariah won 2nd place in musical composition for her age group and Calianne won 1st place in musical composition for her age group. Fun, huh? We were so proud of them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad -- a couple of paragraphs anyway before the program crashed on me when I tried to add video. . .

1 comment:

MaggieJo said...

Man, what a BOY! Good luck with that one :)