Monday, October 3, 2011

This week was Mariah’s last soccer game!  :(  We are so sad!  She did so great and was so fun to watch AND it didn’t snow at any of her games this year!  So, why stop?  That’s what I want to know!2011-09-28 18.39.32That is her with her great team and here she is with one of her friends on the team:2011-09-28 18.40.40  Notice she still has her game-face on.  It’s her face that says, “I showed that goalie when I scored on her parade!  HA!”  It’s also a very red face that shows how she runs up and down that field and never gives up.  Go Mariah!  We’ll be back next year, I am sure!

This week was also the week of the carnival at the elementary school!DSC07863I actually attended this year instead of sending my younger ones with older ones.  Wow!  Look at me being relaxed and having time for things!  I don’t know why that is more so this year than other years, but I am enjoying it nonetheless.  I bought tickets for Mariah, Cheyenne, Calianne, and Bethany and they all stood in line patiently for their turns!DSC07864  Benjamin thought it was great fun, too.DSC07866 DSC07860DSC07865 DSC07868

I know there are no pictures of Mariah in here, but I promise that she was there too!  She was just off doing her own thing, because she is way grown up, you know!

Other than that, Savannah had a cross country meet, Sarah had a tennis match, and Megan cheered at a game.  I didn’t go to any of those events, but I am happy that my kids are active and involved and enjoying their lives!

I stuck to my goal of finding some friends for Bethany.  Last week saw us walking to various houses in the neighborhood to see if little girls could play.  I was lucky with all my other girls at this age because little girls their age would just show up and stay all day (I actually don’t think I considered myself “lucky” at the time . . . , but I have reconsidered!)  She had three play dates last week!  That’s success!

The weather has been just wonderful.  I even weeded the backyard flowerbeds and put down weed paper.  I planted some ivy by the shed and some vinca along the side fence.  I’m hoping to plant some blackberry bushes this week, but I’ve heard that the weather is going to start to deteriorate.  *Groan!*  I suppose it has to happen sometime.

Kevin had a fun weekend as his brother, Mike, was here from Ohio with his son, Jordan, and his brother, Tyler, was here from Idaho with his son, Jake.  So, they all went to the BYU football game Friday night with Grandpa Gazdik, too, of course, and Kayla, who is Mike’s oldest.  Oh!  and Mike’s father in law was there, too, from Japan!  We all went out to lunch on Saturday and I got to visit with the men and they got to see our kids.  Then Saturday night they all attended the priesthood session of conference together in the conference center.  Neat, huh?  I missed having my Kevin around for three nights in a row (he did a training on Thursday night), but I was glad he got to spend time with his family, and my girls are wonderful to be with, too!

1 comment:

MaggieJo said...

I didn't realize she was just suppose to walk there and stay all day. If that's what you want, I think I can arrange that :) I am glad they get along.