Monday, September 19, 2011


Really?  My house?  Our local high school puts these banners on the houses of some of the students for special occasions.  This past weekend was homecoming and, as Savannah is an athlete on the cross country team, she got a banner on her house!  Wow!  I have a high schooler!  (Have I mentioned that?)  I guess I had better start getting used to it. . .

Speaking of Savannah and cross country, she had an invitational this past Friday in Kiwanis park in Provo.  (The same park, I might add, I used to bring her to play when she was three years-old and her dad worked in the building nearby.  Was I nostalgic?  I was thunderstruck!  How did all those years go by so fast???)  Anyway, it’s a good thing that she comes back when she runs away (unlike when she was 3) because I would not be able to catch her anymore.  She is fast!  Even in the rain and the mud, of which there was aplenty on Friday, she ran a great race.  Kevin and I paced up and down the field (yes, in the rain) catching her at different spots to cheer her on.  There were about ten teams there and hundreds of kids.  They ran both JV races first and by the time the girls’ varsity teams raced, the pathways, though grass, were seeping mud.  She was rather spattered at the end!  That’s a true cross country race!


Sarah had her first tennis matches this week.  I went to watch her play at her second match which was here at Springville.  She and her partner lost the first time they played and won the second.  It is fun to watch her play and develop this skill.DSC07805 DSC07807

Megan cheered on Wednesday and Saturday.  She has a lot of fun doing it!  She and I went shopping Saturday, too, as she needed new jeans.  We had a good time together.  She is a cheerful girl!

Mariah had soccer on Wednesday and Saturday.  Mariah had a couple of really stellar shots on the goal! Her team as a whole is getting better and better.  I can’t believe she only has two games left!  I’m sad!  She is so fun to watch!

The twins are settling into their school schedule.  They practice piano in the morning, so they don’t have to do that after school.  Kevin and I also decided that we can count the time we spend in family scripture reading for their reading homework.  That frees up a bit more of their afternoons!  Now, if we just didn’t have to do math! 

We had a friend come over to play with Bethany one day last week and she had great fun!  As soon as Cali and Chey are home, she buzzes off with them to whatever house they are visiting that day.  She loves to join in their play!  Benjamin’s new favorite thing to do is pry the keys off of my laptop’s keyboard.  That is a very expensive new pastime. Fortunately, when Cheyenne is home, he is vastly entertained by the grasshoppers that Cheyenne still loves to catch!

DSC07789He looks like he wants to get it out and play with it, but he does not.  Cheyenne is still the bravest when it comes to bugs in our family! 

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