Sunday, August 7, 2011

We had quite a busy week.  With school registrations for six children at three different schools, dentist appointments for everyone in the family, Sarah and Megan running a daycamp at our house, Mariah in soccer camp every morning, and trying to get ready for our sewing trip to Las Vegas next week, well, my head has been spinning!  The miracle is that at the end of the week, all those tasks that kept popping up in mind to say, “Oh yeah, and you need to this, too and don’t forget to do that and what about that other thing?” – all those tasks have gotten done and we have accomplished quite a lot!


Sarah ran her day camp last week just like she did last summer.  She decided to do “girls only” since she is quite an expert on little girls, after all.  When she first started handing out invitations, she got a couple of definite no’s, so she agonized that no one was going to come.  She was wrong there.  She had fourteen little girls!  Fortunately, that was the only thing about which she was wrong.  She does know little girls!  On Monday they made telescopes and went on treasure hunts.  Tuesday was Barbie day where they all brought a Barbie and made her a tent and sleeping bag and had a campout.  Wednesday was water day and they decorated water bottles with which to squirt each other.  Thursday they played dress-up, painted nails, made necklaces, and performed skits for one another.  On Friday they brought their favorite doll or stuffed animal and they went to the playground for a picnic.  Isn’t that fun?  Megan was Sarah’s assistant and was there everyday to help.  They both did a fantastic job and those little girls had a great time!  Honestly, I was so busy that most of the time I wasn’t even here. Sarah and Megan handled it all.  I was so impressed with their organization, calm, and peacemaking skills.  They are incredibly capable young ladies, both of them.

Mariah, on the other end of the spectrum was attending a day camp --  British Challenger Soccer Camp.  Here are her coaches, all from Great Britain.  Soccer takes on an exotic air when touted with British accents, don’t you know!

DSC07553 Mariah had a great week.  They worked her hard.  She played three hours of soccer a day working on drills and juggling and scrimmage games.

DSC07560Now she’s excited for city league to start where she can play on a full field and show off all her new skills!  She is really a hard worker and takes on challenges with determined intensity.  She doesn’t like it when there is something she can’t do!  I am proud of that little girl.


  Did I mention that Megan and Mariah switched their rooms around this week, too?  (I know, insane, right? There was too much to do already!!)  Megan started it by rearranging furniture, but once everything was torn apart (and I mean into the hall and other people’s rooms craziness) she couldn’t figure out a way to put it back together with which she was happy.  I really do want her to be happy with her corner of the house wherever that may be, so we decided to let her come upstairs and share her room with Ben if she was interested in that.  She decided that she would like to try it.  So, Megan is upstairs now and Mariah has her own room downstairs in the M&M room.  She likes it so far (3 days).  I hope it works out since we all put a lot of work into it!  Still, if it doesn’t, what can be done?  We will, of course, keep working on it until we find a solution that feels good for everyone.  It’s important.

So, I did get the girls registered for school.  Although after attending registration for the elementary school, signing my forms and paying my fees, they called me the next day to see why I hadn’t been at registration.  It doesn’t really inspire me with confidence.  I need to change Megan’s schedule for Jr. High but they are not answering their phones and not unlocking their doors at the school itself either.  So not helpful!  Apparently, over at the high school, one of Savannah’s electives was full so they chose a new elective for her . . . welding.  Seriously??  Come on!  Is there no thought going into this at all?  So, all their changes to schedules is to be done online.  Which is great except their system has been down all week – from the moment it was supposed to open.  It is really not an easy thing to register all my children for school!!

At the dentist, which took many phone calls back and forth to get appointments that worked into our schedule (Yay for an awesome dental receptionist!!!), we had . . . drumroll please . . . NO CAVITIES!!  And I’m not just talking about me.  Eight of us saw the dentist on Thursday and there was not one cavity among us.  I am definitely seeing the hand of Providence in our dental lives.

I am really glad this week is over, but I had a lot of help from my husband and my children and . . . Providence, of course, . . . as always.

On to next week!!!

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