Monday, June 13, 2011

Swim lessons started this week for Mariah, Cheyenne, and Calianne.  They love swimming every morning!  Cheyenne and Calianne are not in the same group since Chey is not as confident in the water as is Cali.  Mariah said that it was “stupid” that they were not in the same group. When asked why it was stupid, she said, “Because they’re twins!”  Duh, Mom.  They should do everything together, of course!  It does not seem to be diminishing their enjoyment at all, though, so that is all good.

We had softball games on Tuesday and Thursday evenings this week.  Because of YW hikes, Sarah and Megan missed their games and their pictures Tuesday night, but Mariah made it to hers!

DSC07047Since I had my camera, I caught her in action, too!




She is a great player and sure has a lot of fun!

Softball wasn’t the only thing we watched this week.  Megan finished up her two weeks of Cheer Clinic over at the high school and on Wednesday night, we got to see her in the Cheer Spectacular!DSC07066 She did a great job, too.  It was fun seeing her do something she really wanted to do!

Savannah has mostly been reading various installments on since school has let out.  For Savannah, though, reading has never been a passive activity . . .

DSC07075Seriously, I could sit and watch her read, except that it really isn’t necessary because she is usually loud enough to be heard throughout the house!  She is so funny.  This week, though, her friend, Jessica, whose parents own a local toy store, invited her to come help in a warehouse sale as an employee.  So, we missed Savannah  Monday thru Wednesday while she earned a little money and expanded her horizons a bit.

This was also the week of Art City Days, which meant the carnival came to town!  We managed to go on discount night this year (just one ticket per ride!), but it was PACKED.  Our older girls managed to go on their rides, but the little girls and I gave up after just two rides and came back Friday afternoon when we paid full price, but waited in no lines!  Now you know how much I prize convenience!

DSC07069DSC07072 DSC07077DSC07078DSC07084Friday was also the day of the art fair over by the art museum.  Sarah, Megan, and Mariah escorted Beth, Cheyenne, and Cali respectively to various booths and came back with a bunch of craft projects.  I love what great big sisters my little sisters have!

Saturday morning was the grand parade!  We were almost late this year!  But we made it in time after all. . .

DSC07087    Bethany waved to all the princesses!


Benjamin only took off down the street a couple of times.  This is him being incognito: DSC07092 DSC07093 Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik were there, too!


That night we watched the fireworks.  It was spectacular.  Bethany was great, claiming each new firework as it burst.  “The green one’s mine, Mom!  And the red one and that purple one and that . . .” – you get the idea.  We were a little worried that the fireworks might scare Benjamin, but not so!  If anything, he was pretty unimpressed.  Funny little guy!

I ended the week just being so grateful for where we live and how much convenience it brings to us.  This week we walked to the parade and to the carnival and the fireworks were practically in our backyard!  But Art City Days aside, I hardly ever drive anywhere!  The girls walk to all their softball games and the rest of us are free to come for all the game or just a part.  The swimming pool is around the corner.  Megan’s cheer clinic was at the high school and we walked to that performance just as Megan walked home from it everyday.  When I took the girls to play basketball this week, we just walked over to the church.  The girls walk to the tennis courts when they use them.  Piano lessons are also in the neighborhood.  I list all these fun things we do on this blog, but I don’t really do any of them.  I just watch it all happen.  It is pretty incredible.  Location, location, location!  I am telling you, it is the key to the easy life, for me anyway, and I am just so grateful that we seem to have stumbled on it.  I think everyone should move to Brookside!

1 comment:

Robin said...

So much happening in your summer!

I agree. Our location is fabulous. But I don't want everyone to move here. Just a handful of great people to fill the empty houses.