Monday, March 14, 2011

Can you believe that my mom came to visit me all last week and I don’t have even one picture of her??  I can’t believe it!  So, here is another picture of her at Thanksgiving time.  Isn’t she cute?DSC05858 She flew in to Salt Lake late Tuesday night and flew out early Saturday morning.  We got to have her with us for THREE FULL DAYS!  It was so fun.  The official reason for her visit and surely the greatest moment of the trip, was opening night for Savannah’s play!


Look at all that makeup!  Savannah hates that part!  But the rest of it she is having great fun with.  She did great and the whole cast did, too!  It was a funny play with some really fun songs.  My mom, Mariah, and I went on opening night.  Kevin, Sarah, the twins, and Mariah again went on Saturday.  Megan gets to see it at school.  We all loved it!  Way to go, Savannah!  You are our favorite star!  Look!  She can even dance in high heels!


Also while Grandma was here, she got to enjoy lots of hugs from our other diva . . .

DSC06365 Watch out world!

Before Grandma came, on Monday night, Cheyenne and Calianne got to perform at the Art Museum with their music class.  They got to demonstrate rhythm with some percussion instruments and do some parts in the musical puppet show.  It was a fun opportunity for them!


Benjamin continues to enjoy doing whatever his dad is doing.  I’m glad he’s teaching him right!   Can’t you just hear him, “Let me help, Dad!  Let me help!”




Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh, now I miss my mom. :)

Robin said...

So many fun things.

We're going to try to get to the play this weekend. I really want to see it. The makeup was the part Jess always hated, too.

Bethany is so cute! We always comment about her when we see her.

And I am so glad Ben has such a great daddy teaching him. I'm sure he will be a great man one day.