Monday, February 7, 2011


Well, the big news of the week is that my sister, Diane, and her husband Jason came to visit!  They wanted to go to the BYU/UNLV game so they could watch Jimmer Fredette score in person!  (Heh, heh.  I’m going to catch it for that one!)  Anyway, their team may have lost, but look at all that red they got my daughters wearing!  They’ve been trying to corrupt my true-blue, cougar home, they have!   No such thing!  Just because Sarah is the only one who can remember Jimmer’s name . . . (Megan called him Jeffrey and Mariah said they kept cheering for Jim Bridger.  Heh, heh.  Isn’t that funny?)  Anyway, they all had a marvelous time!  I stayed home with the young’uns, Savannah went to a play with a friend, and Kevin attended the gala event with Sarah, Megan, Mariah, and our honored out-of-town guests!

We did other things while they were here, like we went out for Chinese food, and we played Settlers of Catan!


Playing Settlers of Catan has become a very popular activity in our house.  As you can see in this picture, sometimes the girls don’t even wait to get out of their pajamas in the morning before playing another game!  I’m glad they like it so much.  I love our new game-playing table.  I’m thinking it’s our version of an Xbox.  :)

As for the rest of the week, Savannah had early-morning play rehearsal every morning.  I was feeling kind of bad for her until I realized that I was at school every morning of my high school career at 6:15 because of early-morning seminary.  Buck-up kid! 

Sarah, Megan, and Mariah each had a basketball game.  I went to Let’s Play Music class with the twins.  Kevin and I managed to slip away for ward temple night. 

Benjamin can stand alone and laugh at you when you want him to walk toward you. 

Bethany is still transitioning out of her afternoon nap, which results in some very grumpy afternoons, some sleeping-in-late mornings, and some unplanned naps which result in large wet spots in inconvenient places in the house.  ;)

We are looking forward to another week.  Bring it on!

1 comment:

Robin said...

There will come a day when everyone in your house is potty trained. It's not long off. And let me tell you it will be a glorious day!

I'm so glad you guys are having fun with Catan. Love that game. I still can't wait until we find a time for the four of us to learn my new one.

I'm jealous of your front sitting room and the game table that can be up all the time. Oh, to have the extension on the back.