Monday, December 13, 2010


That’s a mischievous little Santa Claus, don’t you think?  She’s gathering her toys by taking them from her little brother!  Good thing baby brother doesn’t mind too much, yet!  He actually thinks she is pretty cool!

On Thursday night, Mariah performed in a school Christmas program.  She really didn’t want to go as she had already performed three times during the school day and the boy she had to say her lines with was a “microphone hog.”  Horrors.  I know.  But, she decided she would go and -- happy day! -- the boy didn’t show up and she got the microphone all to herself!  She looked lovely and when Beth saw her in a fancy dress, she insisted that I dress her up, too!  Hey, in this picture, you get to see the new table, too!

DSC05944Mariah’s program was “Christmas Around the World".  In addition to singing all the songs, her class played ukuleles for Santa Lucia.  I love Mariah on the ukulele!  I also love to hear her sing.  She did a great job.  She was willing to sing a little solo for all of you . . .

Saturday was our ward Christmas party.  Yay!  Savannah and Sarah have been rehearsing for over a month to perform the waltz to the song from Charlie Brown’s Christmas.  The girls in the dance spent Saturday afternoon getting “all prettied up!”  Some of them stopped by our house and I found all these lovely girls in my kitchen!

DSC05953They did a great job on their dance, too (which I accidentally deleted from my camera!  Horrors!), but I did get this cute shot of them after the party:


Cheyenne, Calianne, Bethany, and I, didn’t spend nearly as much time getting ready, but we were pretty cute singing “Up On the Housetop.”  Well, they were anyway!

Megan got to be a reindeer . . .


Mariah got to sing with the other primary children for the last song and Benjamin got to sleep in his Grandpa’s arms for most of the party since Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik came, too!  It was a fun night.

‘Tis the season!  Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I can't believe how big Benjamin is getting. Bethany is so cute with him.

And she was adorable singing Up on the Housetop (the twins were cute, too).

The dance was fabulous. But please forgive me when I say I am so glad it's over.

I can hear that table calling. Let us know when it's time.