Sunday, August 22, 2010

Well it was camping again for us this week!  We just can't seem to get enough!  Although Bethany said on our last night, “No more tent!”  Funny that.

This week, we had a reunion with Kevin's family at Bear Lake.  So on Wednesday, (you guessed it) we packed up the whole house and left for Bear Lake early Thursday morning.  Bear Lake is really a pretty place.  The water is so blue it is almost turquoise, and it's surrounded by beautiful mountains.  We were at a fun campsite this year too.  It was a KOA really near the lake with miniature golf, a playground, a rec room, and a swimming pool.  But the best part of all was all of the family of course.  We had the biggest group ever from Kevin's side of the family.  It was so fun to see uncles and aunts and their families that we haven't seen for a while and watch our children get to know them better – and to see Grandpa too of course!

On Thursday, we set up camp and enjoyed exploring the camp ground.  We went to the pool of course.  They had a small baby pool and Bethany gave it a try.  She put on some swimming arm floaties.  Her sisters convinced her to take her feet off the bottom of the pool.  Bethany loved it and said with glee, “I'm flying!”  It was so cute. 


On Friday, after a big mass breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs and bacon, we packed up the whole campsite and went down to the beach.  We spent the day on the boat and on the jet skis and playing in the sand and swimming in the water and talking and snacking under the canopy.  It was loads and loads of fun!
DSC05306DSC05308DSC05313DSC05319 DSC05309DSC05323We went back to camp for a delicious Dutch oven dinner and to collapse our sunburned bodies exhaustedly to bed . . .

Just to wake up the next morning and do it all again!

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The wind was pretty strong and we had to fight it all day, but we still managed to have a good time.  Savannah, Sarah, and Megan loved being on the boat and Savannah especially loved riding the jet skis.  Kevin said that Savannah drove the jet ski like I did.  I rode behind her to find out if that was true.  She whopped for joy as she hit the waves and almost bucked me off a couple of times.  Which, truthfully, is what I do, too.  :)  Hee hee.  I guess she is just a chip off the old block!

Mariah and the twins stayed close to shore and built many things in the sand and swam and jumped the waves being kicked up by the monstrous wind.

It looks like Beth slept the whole time, but she did play in the sand a lot on the first day.  On the second day, she was pretty grumpy and clingy, partly I’m sure because the night before she woke up in the night and talked to us for about a half hour no matter how many times we told her to “Be quiet, Bethany!  Go to sleep!”  Brat.  :)  Just kidding!  The last 15 minutes of the second day, Bethany got off my lap, played in the sand and swam in the water.  Silly girl.  She had a great 15 minutes, though!

We mostly tried to keep Ben out of the sun.  This is his fifth camping trip in his four-months of life.  That is one tough baby, huh?  No matter how hard I work to keep him out of the sun, he always comes home a little bit pink!  I guess I’m destined to always see my babies in pink!  :)  Just kidding!  It’s hardly the same, but still funny!

Mostly it was great just to be with family.  They are a good group and it was fun spending time with them.


1 comment:

Robin said...

You were missed.

I love that you get to have so much fun doing so many things, but I like to keep my friends close by. So I'm glad school is starting and you'll be a little more locked in. I'm just selfish that way.

I love the pictures of Bethany. Glad she had a few moments of fun anyway.

School starts tomorrow. I hope you take the same kind of joy that I do in that.