Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hi All! Look at those chubby cheeks! He really is growing this little guy. Sometimes when I pick him up after a nap he looks bigger than when I laid him down! He is still a sweet little guy and he's doing great. When he's hungry, though, watch out! He sure can scream! Then everybody can't hand him off to me fast enough. Heh, heh. That's okay, though. I like being his only savior.

We had some more exciting events this week. Not the least of which were the 5th grade plays on Thursday night. The fifth graders acted out plays (with commercials) from three popular story books. The first one was Stephanie's Ponytail and the part of Stephanie was played by our very own MEGAN SKINNER! (Thunderous applause!)

She did really super and really hammed it up, which isn't too surprising since being silly is one of her specialities. She keeps us all laughing around here! Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, you can even watch Megan in her play. I have included it and even cut out the commercials for your viewing pleasure! (She is especially funny near the end when the ponytail is in front of her face and she keeps running into things!)

On Friday, we took the kids up to Salt Lake. We are looking into buying a new tent and wanted to look at the really expensive, highly recommended ones that they sell at Kirkham's (in SLC). So we took the fam and made an adventure of it. Since no adventure is complete without ancient Indian temples, waterfalls, and Mexican food, we stopped at the Mayan on our way up! I love how being there makes me feel like I am in a different world. Apparently, though, it gives Cheyenne -- and Savannah -- nightmares. Heavy sigh. I guess you can't make everybody happy all of the time. It's a good thing dinner came with french fries!

Kevin didn't beat himself quite as much into the ground as he did last Saturday, but he still managed to go for his run, take three of the girls to the church for grounds clean-up, practice softball with the girls, mow the lawn, and fix the swing set (thanks sweetie!).

That night, Savannah's children's choir performed at "The Big Red Barn" in Mapleton. She did fabulous, as usual and we got to see that beautiful face wreathed in smiles and excitement as she sang!
We recorded one of the songs for posterity. Savannah is the gorgeous one on the second row, second in from the right:


Robin said...

You guys are such great parents!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Nice recap of your busy lives! Cute, cute little boy!